Marvel Snap Releases New Balance Update

Marvel Snap Releases New Balance Update

From Game Rant (Written by Miguel Luis Llado) on | OpenCritic

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Marvel Snap has just released a new balance update that changes a lot of noteworthy cards. It's quite a common occurrence for the Marvel Snap developers to adjust existing cards after a new season starts. Most of the time, it's because the game tends to become unbalanced in favor of certain decks due to the arrival of newer cards that shift matches in a certain way. This time is no different, as several changes are being introduced to encourage competitive gameplay.

Recently, the latest Marvel Snap November 2024 update was released, which introduced some minor changes relating to the current season's cards. While the focus of the patch was the surprising return of Deadpool's Diner, this season's cards received new descriptors which didn't necessarily change the effects that they had. Still, many fans had some concerns about the card's attributes in question, especially the Season Pass one, Surtur. Second Dinner may have heard the rumblings, as Surtur and others have been reworked for the new balance update.

Surtur might be the best Season Pass card in Marvel Snap for 2024, and here’s how you can harness his power with this META deck.

Marvel Snap's latest balance update includes several key...

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