The recently-revealed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown uniquely (and depressingly!) starts things off with Splinter and Shredder already having been killed.
For most of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' time in the world of gaming, the radical four have been known for one thing - arcade beat 'em ups. While they still hold the crown in the brawler space, developers have recently started branching out and putting the group into other genres, like Splintered Fate's take on Rougelikes and Mutants Unleashed with its Persona inspirations.
Splintered Fate’s PC release has dragged me right back into the Hades in a half-shell life, and I don’t mind one bit.
Those two games were just the start, though, as it was recently announced that the Turtles would be getting their own tactical game next in the form of Strange Scaffold's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown. It's already interesting enough to see the group in such a different setting, and that's before you know what the plot is all about.
One thing the reveal trailer for Tactical Takedown didn't tell you is that the story takes place after Shredder and Splinter have both died. It's not clear right now how...