Overwatch 2 fans recently discovered that the new Cardboard Bastion skin shoots pencils, rather than bullets. This charming detail is unique to this Legendary Bastion skin, which is available in the Overwatch 2 shop right now.
Recently, Overwatch 2 began Season 14, introducing a slew of new Overwatch 2 skins available through the Battle Pass and in-game store. Among these many cosmetics, the Legendary Cardboard skins for D.Va, Brigitte, Reaper, and Bastion stand out as particularly noteworthy. Each of these skins equip the Overwatch 2 heroes with hand-made weapons, armor, and other gear that looks like they came from a classroom craft project.
After the unexpected removal of Brigitte’s Medic skin from Overwatch 2, Blizzard provides an update to inform fans about the situation.
However, players have recently discovered another charming feature with Cardboard Bastion in particular. While testing the skin, Overwatch 2 fan and Redditor ChrisyNoob noticed that Bastion ejects pencils, rather than empty bullet casings, while in his Configuration: Assault form. As players expressed their delight over this detail, Overwatch 2 community manager Jodie Grace Mckaughan got in on the fun, saying “I just know those pencils are sharpened to the FINEST point.”
In general, fans...