Hideki Kamiya, a video game director who is notoriously inflammatory and controversial on Twitter, voiced his regret for insulting a fan of Okami on the social media platform. The original Okami is considered to be one of Capcom's cult classics and passion projects, owing to its unique art style and gameplay. Hideki Kamiya is well-known in the gaming industry for spearheading a number of Capcom's games, including this one. He's also one of the most outspoken directors in the industry, next to Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada, as he isn't afraid to voice his opinion on things or block fans on Twitter who rile him up.
While Kamiya is well-known as the face of Platinum Games, he recently left the studio and came back to Capcom to form Clovers, a successor studio to Clover Studio from 20 years ago. The announcement of this new studio coincided with the announcement of an Okami sequel at the Game Awards 2024. A sequel to Okami was one of the last games viewers expected to be announced, especially fans of the cult classic franchise, as there hasn't been a new entry in the series since 2010's Okamiden.
Okami HD is seeing massive...