Telegraph's Reviews
A short but solid campaign and minor multiplayer tweaks suggest Warzone is still the main priority
This take on Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy puts a premium on character and storytelling, with surprisingly impressive results
Metroid's Nintendo Switch debut is an intricate and challenging sci-fi adventure
Open world shooter is back on solid – if occasionally silly – form
The latest in EA's football behemoth puts gameplay first, though some off-field concerns remain
Dishonored developer Arkane makes its pitch for game of the year with this deliciously complex Kubrickian timeloop
As well as some smart on-field tweaks, Madden's marquee mode sees notable improvements after some notable neglect
Prepare to go insane in the brain with one of the year's most imaginative interactive experiences
Luis Antonio's smart timeloop starring James McAvoy is an absorbing yarn... if you can see past its frayed edges
Diablo meets Cyberpunk 2077 on the set of Ridley Scott's cinematic masterpiece in this action-packed RPG gem
Before Breath of the Wild, there was Skyward Sword; Nintendo revisit its mechanically brilliant adventure with this improved Switch version
Nintendo's latest golfing adventure is good fun, but doesn't find the perfect club choice
For all of the improvements that are most welcome (and will doubtless help court a new generation of fans) Mass Effect’s brilliance isn’t about technicality. Not really. It is about that total investment in its galaxy and its characters --be it your most trusted squadmate or the elephantine Elcor shopkeeper you bumped into-- that has fully enveloped me again. That hasn’t aged a jot.
PlayStation mascots bring the solid state sauce for family-friendly PS5 exclusive
The latest in the famous Resident Evil series succeeds with breathless pace and a constant trade-off between tension and terror
Dazzling next-gen graphics belie a hardcore rogue-like which could test your patience as much as your reflexes
New Pokémon Snap allows keen-eyed trainers to snap the famous pocket monsters in their natural habitat
With welcoming flair and terrific gunplay, People Can Fly's looter-shooter offers a fine example of the genre
A miniaturised divorcing couple must work together in Hazelight's latest two-player jaunt
The new JRPG hitting Nintendo Switch is stuffed full of the genre's most recognisable tropes, for better or worse