HomepageMonsterVine's Reviews
Interesting indie game that’s not quite as good as it wants to be, but still aims for the sky and hits.
Whether or not you’ve played Mortal Kombat 11, there’s never been a better time to dive into the bloodbath that is Ultimate.
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a fun but flawed rhythm game that focuses more on gameplay than plot.
The Pathless may not be my favorite game, I found quite a bit wrong with it, but the messaging was clear and resonated with me.
Demon’s Souls is an excellent game that will knock you down and challenge you to get back up in the best way possible.
Noita provides a memorable experience with a unique physics engine that is integral to understanding the game.
Miles Morales is a grand experience for any Marvel fans or action game fans, and a must-buy in general.
Astro’s Playroom is a light and fun platformer that serves as a fantastic introduction to the Playstation 5.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a brave and brilliant next step for the Yakuza franchise.
Monster Camp embraces everything that made its predecessor so wildly charming.
Pikmin 3 Deluxe is not just a great entry to jump in on, but also try out if you’ve ever been curious about the franchise.
A weirdly moving love letter to community and found family hidden inside of a game about cute food bugs. I can’t recommend it enough.
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope is a worthy successor to Man of Medan and a strong continuation of The Dark Pictures Anthology.
The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny is a simplistic but thoroughly enjoyable fighter that makes the most of its unlockables, visuals, and soundtrack.
Ghostrunner isn’t here to hold your hand. It watches you get frustrated and laughs, because it knows you’ll be back in 20 minutes.
Uppers is a fun and frantic beat-em-up that uses its tone to perfectly capture that shonen anime charm.
However, if you’re interested in a strong narrative, fun art, and completing simple puzzles, I Am Dead is the most fun you’ll have this year.
Transient isn’t a long game, and its gameplay tends to take a backseat to its storytelling, but if you’re looking for a cyberpunk mystery or a cosmic horror story, Transient blends them remarkably well to create an engrossing journey.
Amnesia: Rebirth stumbles a little with its narrative-based approach and certain gameplay choices, but every time I started to feel frustrated with its direction, it had a nightmarish encounter waiting to remind me that no one does heart-pounding terror quite like Frictional Games.
Onee Chanbara Origin is a repetitive hack-and-slash game that would be a fun rental at best.