Next Gen Base
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Transistor is a worthy follow up to one of the most revered indie games of the last generation. Supergiant have taken a formula that works really well and applied a truly gorgeous art direction to it, with an incredibly deep combat system to boot. It's a game that is well worth your time, and with the big AAA game drought heading our way over summer, it's a perfect title to sink your teeth into for a few hours and just let it wash over you.
Ultimately, there are a number of things Watch_Dogs does right. It's a solid enough feeling open world to warrant checking out. The hacking mechanic, whilst at times negated by an easy shootout, does open up a huge number of possibilities within gameplay. A solid base for Ubisoft to build upon, Watch_Dogs does more wrong than it does right, and ultimately results in a frustrating example of a game designed by committee and with very little that is "next gen" provided. Oh, and Ubisoft? Please get rid of that silly underscore for the sequel.
Child of Light is a game that's worth of a spot in anyone's collection. With the PlayStation versions being cross-buy, it's difficult not to recommend it. In the video review, I mention that it's £16, and this was an early price for the deluxe edition online. If you download it from the store, it's £12, and that's a fantastic price for what is a beautiful game. If you're willing to forgive the slightly irritating rhyming structure to the narrative and just get on with exploring the gorgeous environments, you won't go far wrong with Child of Light.