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Nintendo Times

420 games reviewed
73.0 average score
75 median score
41.2% of games recommended

Nintendo Times's Reviews

Nov 4, 2019

GREAT - On the Switch it just doesn’t get much better for tactical JRPGs. This is one of the best in the Disgaea series and shouldn’t be missed. In some ways I’m glad I passed it over the first time around because now I get to experience it as a brand new game on the Switch, where I can play it anywhere I like.

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MEDIOCRE - A farming sim adventure on a deserted archipelago certainly has a great ring to it, and the setting is ripe for a lot of exploration, discovery, and some clever mechanics. Stranded Sails however falls a bit short in nearly every department. A heavy over-use of a convoluted cooking mechanic and other issues prevented the game from reaching that addictive quality that is required for games like these.

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GOOD - This might be the best monster battling game on the Switch, at least for a few more weeks. If you absolutely can’t wait until the new Pokémon games release it’s worth it to hangout in the Digital World for a little while and spend some time with some digital critters on the DigiFarm.

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GOOD - Normally when a company goes through the trouble of converting a game to HD they choose the best in the series, but Sega has decided to bring Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD to current video game consoles. While not a bad game by any means, I think most would consider the first two GameCube games the best in the series. This one is still just as zany and does deliver in the fun department, but sensitive controls, needless boss battles, and ho-hum multiplayer mini-games hold it back from true greatness.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Tangle Tower
Oct 28, 2019

GREAT - Developed by the studio that brought us Snipperclips, Tangle Tower is a highly entertaining whodunit murder mystery that’s sort of a cross between an interactive graphic novel and a point and click adventure game. It features fantastic art and animation combined with a truly amazing soundtrack and superb voice acting to really make the experience memorable. By the end I was yearning for more – and hopefully I’ll get it in the future!

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Oct 24, 2019

MEDIOCRE - It pains me to score The Jackbox Party Pack 6 so low because I’m truly a huge fan of the series. Normally at least two or three of the five included games are a blast, but this time around only one (Trivia Murder Party 2) really delivered the goods. Some may find a few more of the included games worth their time, but overall I can’t help but be disappointed.

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6 / 10 - Megaquarium
Oct 22, 2019

WORTH CONSIDERING - Megaquarium offers up a robust and well-researched fish and aquarium sim to players. You’ll have a blast expanding out the aquarium of your dreams. However, the complexity of the game is a bit high and it’s not always clear why certain behaviors are happening. It’s not the most visually appealing game, but there’s a whale-load of content to experience if you’re willing to give it a shot.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Valfaris
Oct 18, 2019

GREAT - Retake your planet back from your wayward father in this action sci-fi epic filled to the brim with double bass kicks and guitar riffs. Just don’t head bang your Switch, okay?

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8 / 10 - A Hat in Time
Oct 17, 2019

GREAT - If you were waiting for this game to appear on the Switch library to play it – play it. It is still an absolute joy to experience. Technical issues aside, this unique indie gem stacks up even against Nintendo’s most iconic titles. If you’re still looking for that true love letter to fans of late 90’s platforming, you owe it to yourself to check out A Hat in Time.

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Oct 14, 2019

GOOD - Felix The Reaper brings a tragic comedy in the form of a challenging puzzle game to the Nintendo Switch. With a catchy soundtrack, vibrant visuals, and a reasonably fun storyline narrated by Sir Patrick Stewart, there’s a good game play here for only $24.99 on the eShop.

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GREAT - Ghostbusters: The Videogame Remastered is a game both fans and newcomers will love. It feels like the true sequel to the movies we never got and features the main cast from the movies to make it feel authentic. Detailed and destructible environments make it a joy to play over and over again. A lack of multiplayer and a relatively short campaign are the only knocks against it, but that shouldn’t stop you from bustin’ a few ghosts.

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GOOD - It’s not going to wow anyone with its visuals or music, but The Alliance Alive HD Remastered a solid entry in the JRPG genre, further adding to the Nintendo Switch stellar library of games. Try it out if you’ve got nothing else to play this month, but with huge AAA games like Dragon Quest XI S and Zelda: Link’s Awakening arguably offering better experiences it’s hard to recommend this one over them as your first choice.

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Oct 8, 2019

EXCELLENT - I give Untitled Goose Game 9 honks out of 10 for its originality and charm. It’s the best goose game I’ve ever played, so be sure to waddle on down to the e-shop and pick up this instant classic.

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GREAT - Sniper Elite 3: Ultimate Edition is a high quality port with a lot of effort put in. It looks fantastic and runs perfectly smooth, offers all of the content of the original release, including DLC, and the open nature of the game boosts its replay value. Dumb A.I. does detract slightly from the overall experience, but the game still provides plenty of fun.

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Oct 7, 2019

GREAT - Trine 4 offers up fun and engaging gameplay for up to four players simultaneously. The game is more fun when played with friends, so be sure to invite some over and spend a few nights going through the various worlds, which are beautiful to behold!

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EXCELLENT - The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is a fantastic experience from start to finish. With an incredibly adorable art style and stunning soundtrack the most noticeable upgrades, it’s the improved control scheme that really makes this game more approachable than ever before. Newcomers can expect at least 15 hours of game (more if you want to collect everything), whereas veterans should have no trouble blowing through the game at a much quicker pace. The value will be in the eye of the beholder, but after seeing the credits roll I felt the $60 price tag was more than fair.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Jet Kave Adventure
Oct 1, 2019

WORTH CONSIDERING - Jet Kave Adventure checks all the boxes for what a sidescrolling action platformer should be, but it doesn’t go above and beyond to create a lasting impression. What’s here is solid and there are some fun levels to play through. The soundtrack is pretty boring, but the graphics are pretty to look at and the jetpack gameplay mechanic is enjoyable. This is a good pick up if you’re yearning for more platforming on a system filled with platformers.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Boreal Blade
Sep 26, 2019

MEDIOCRE - Boreal Blade nails the combat and has some fun ideas but they’re overshadowed by poor online connectivity. Lacking a single player mode means the game is entirely reliant on servers and unfortunately lag and constant kicking from matches mars the entire experience. Download the demo first to see if the online issues have been resolved before purchasing the full version.

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Sep 25, 2019

Contra: Rogue Corps is an unexpected way to revive a beloved franchise. It’s sure to be divisive among fans, but it has plenty of reasons for you to give it a chance. The dynamic camera combined with solid gameplay makes for an overall enjoyable experience. I had a great time with it and it sure beats another Contra slot machine.

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Sep 19, 2019

GREAT - Lego Jurassic World is an incredibly easy to pick up platformer. It’s a solid throwback to old school adventure games, and a super fun way to experience the story of the franchise. It’s definitely not as fleshed out as the more “Triple A” Lego titles, but this game shows a lot of love to the Jurassic park fandom and will have fans hooked almost immediately.

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