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Metro GameCentral

1956 games reviewed
68.3 average score
70 median score
52.4% of games recommended

Metro GameCentral's Reviews

8 / 10 - Katana Zero
Apr 30, 2019

An elegant blend of 2D action and cyberpunk storytelling, that manages to make a very distinctive experience out of some very familiar indie tropes.

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Apr 30, 2019

A well intentioned attempt to mix Ecco The Dolphin with a more urgent environmental message but the end result Iacks any real excitement or variety.

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The weakest of the recent SteamWorld games but still an enjoyable, if rather unfair, mix of role-playing game and card-battler.

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Apr 26, 2019

A welcome comeback for Nintendo's most minimalist mascot, that justifies itself with an extremely entertaining co-op mode.

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6 / 10 - Days Gone
Apr 25, 2019

A peculiarly constructed open world zombie game that sidelines its most unique features in favour of generic action and unengaging storytelling.

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6 / 10 - World War Z
Apr 24, 2019

A curate's egg of zombie clichés and surprisingly solid multiplayer, with the movie's undead hordes replicated in impressive fashion.

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Apr 23, 2019

Mortal Kombat continues to excel in areas that other fighting games ignore, with a new sequel that impresses in terms of both visuals and gameplay.

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A seemingly random collection of Konami arcade games that's so incoherent and bare bones it won't please retro fans or newcomers.

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6 / 10 - Weedcraft Inc
Apr 15, 2019

An interesting but flawed attempt to tackle the selling and using of cannabis, that never has the courage to take itself entirely seriously.

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8 / 10 - Ghost Giant
Apr 12, 2019

A wonderful mix of cutting edge technology and nuanced storytelling that instantly becomes one of the best games for PlayStation VR.

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Apr 11, 2019

A thoroughly enjoyable and surprisingly engrossing mix of VR, handicraft, and edutainment.

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Apr 11, 2019

A more grounded approach and a fresh coat of paint fail to address the series' inherent flaws, as the cheesy charm of fighting giant insects is lost in the process.

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7 / 10 - Skyworld
Apr 10, 2019

Tabletop war-gaming brought to life in real-time, with a fine-looking VR environment and a slightly fiddly interface.

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The sheer age of the games are beginning to count against them but Ace Attorney still remains exhibit A in how to make even the silliest story-based games fun and engaging.

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Apr 8, 2019

Its limited budget is obvious but as an unofficial reboot for the Burnout series this is one of the best arcade racers for a long time.

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Apr 5, 2019

An enjoyable companion piece to Cuphead, but despite some fantastic enemy designs the single-mindedness and lack of visual variety doesn't have quite the same charm.

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6 / 10 - Outward
Apr 4, 2019

A deeply flawed open world role-player but also an extremely ambitious and unique one, whose approach to co-op play and survival deserves further iteration.

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Not a game that particularly needed a remaster but that in itself speaks to the quality of the original and the potential of the new sequel.

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Even a high-quality remaster such as this can't hide the fact that Assassin's Creed III is too much a product of its time and has little to offer modern gaming.

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An ashamedly old school role-player that nevertheless does its best to attract new players and entertain existing fans.

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