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All in all, Blasphemous 2 is a great game of this style... I hope –like the sculptor Montañés– that The Game Kitchen gets to further hone their latest title. There is an amazing game here that’s just shrouded in a thin veil of sawdust. An extra chip here, a little more varnish there, and Blasphemous 2 will captivate many for years to come like its elder.
Sea of Stars not only delivered its promise of retro-inspired RPG gameplay, but it also crafted a touching tale of friends attempting to shift the balance of good and evil for the better.
My Friendly Neighborhood may not have the blood and guts that many crave out of their horror experiences but it accomplishes so much without violence in a way that feels new and interesting. The world and story are fleshed out wonderfully and there’s an amazing message behind the game’s final moments.
Yet, I am once again hoping for another game, this time a River City Girls 3, that nails the landing and is awarded gold medals across the board. For now, River City Girls 2 is an enjoyable co-op romp with some rough edges that leaves me eager for more.
Despite its simplicity, Atelier Marie Remake’s back-to-basics approach makes it ideal for newcomers, offering a cozy, casual experience after a run of more complex titles.
If you are interested in where certain games got their inspiration from, then System Shock is a sort of polished re-enactment of the past.
This may not be my absolute favorite Star Wars video game and I still hope to see something truly unique in this medium using this setting but this is one of the best Star Wars moments I’ve been able to share and that’s what really makes storytelling in settings like this so important.
Resident Evil 4 is a must-play title of this generation and it’s a game that will likely have a lasting appeal and a measurable impact on games to come.
While I’ve grown fond of Ryza and her companions over the course of the past few games, I’m pleased to consider Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key a proper send-off for the characters we’ve come to know and love.
Like a Dragon: Ishin is a historically-rooted drama with enough to explore to keep players busy and there are not many experiences like it. This series is unique and absolutely worth trying. Ishin is also a pretty solid entry point to an extremely unique series but it might be too serious for some.
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe is classic Kirby for better and for worse. It’s not a student of innovation in any fashion, but rather a solid adventure spruced up with new bells and whistles.
For Castlevania-like fans, those who have enjoyed past Inti Creates titles, and anyone who enjoys a light-hearted adventure with tough gameplay cannot go wrong with Grim Guardians: Demon Purge.
It’s surprising that even as an adult Kirby still brings me happiness. There’s something special about games that offer so much joy to the world and I really hope that Kirby as a character continues to do so for many, many years. If there is a follow-up to Forgotten Land, I hope that this isometric style is further explored.
Overall, I enjoyed my time with Metroid Prime Remastered... I do think it's a great game, although it could have used a few more quality-of-life changes to make it land better for the more casual Metroid audience like myself.
Forspoken feels like the first entry in a franchise that could show promise if compacted and polished in all the areas that matter. Square Enix has promised a major patch coming soon to address many of the visual and technical bugs, but this game needs a new narrative vision to really stand out.
Returnal is a solid game that will hit for roguelike fans especially but might set the barrier for entry too high for those just curious. The PC port pushes the graphical boundaries even further and makes Returnal look breathtaking.
While not a perfect entry, Fire Emblem Engage is a fantastic celebration of a series that has come so far.
While a bit more critical of it, I do love that there are so many things here for RWBY fans. It has a lot of potential to do so many things in game form with the deep well of material to draw and build upon from the series.
Somerville is a strong IP for Jumpship to begin their portfolio.
Lone Ruin is a game with a lot of style and potential but lacks the content necessary to foster the replayability critical to a roguelike. In simpler terms, there’s a fun game here, just not a lot of it.