Joel Taveras
If you picked up Madden last year, there is arguably just enough new content and gameplay to merit the upgrade.
As mentioned earlier, this is the best fan service (on any console) that I have seen. If you're feeling nostalgic, the purchase is a no-brainer. If you want a piece of gaming history, same rule applies. Master Chief has returned to Xbox and he's better than ever.
By this time, real fans of WWE have already picked up this game or will probably do so by the holidays. And I wouldn't knock them for it. For anyone else on the fence who may not have the same level of investment in the WWE product, recommending this game is a lot more difficult.
On the flip side, the team takes the approach of "less is more" in the game's multiplayer as it goes, for the most part, back to basics and it quickly transports you to the franchise of old. If this is the title you've been waiting for before making the jump to Xbox One, you won't be disappointed, as it stands, in my opinion, as the best reason to own Microsoft's console.