Daniele Mastrangeli

2 games reviewed
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Mar 16, 2023

Wo Long: Fallen Dinasty is a title that with completely convinces. A wasted opportunity, despite the setting and the very inspired boss fights. Perhaps with proper improvement patches, and especially by fixing the framerate issue (which plagues, albeit less consistently, the big sister versions as well) the title could have a wide margin for improvement. And we, all things considered, really hope so.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8.5 / 10.0 - Hi-Fi Rush
Mar 2, 2023

Hi-Fi Rush is a small masterpiece, a video game that goes against the grain and does it excellently by presenting gamers with a title that is different from the usual and entertaining. Not only is the overall graphic and technical aspect commendable, but also the characterization of the characters and their ironic streak is something beyond imagination. A highly recommended video game for those who want to get their hands on something different and extremely entertaining.

Review in Italian | Read full review