Loren Chandler
While it may need a little more time brewing in the cauldron, Mika and the Witch’s Mountain was a fun ride and just goes to show that Chibig is one developer worth keeping an eye on.
Luma Island is an epic, cozy adventure game bursting at the seams with RPG content.
Petit Island is an adorable and cozy experience, and I’m pawsitively sure I’ll find myself booting this game up to work on my collectibles again. There are also a few mysteries around the volcano I’d like to uncover. However, while cozy games and cute kittens go paw-in-paw, there isn’t quite enough here to make it a fancy feast. Nevertheless, this was a fun little tail. Whisker me away to Petit Island, cause I’m feline like a getaway. Okay, that’s all the puns I’ve got.
I was always going to pick up Amber Isle, so I was very happy to review it. Even though it has a few bugs related to the camera and UI, as well as some progression issues to be worked out, I know I'll be spending a lot more time in my shop crafting items to sell to my dinosaur customers. There’s a lot to like about Amber Isle and the team at Ambertail has tried its best to create a wholesome experience. All of these adorable dinos will be my friend before I’m through here, even the grumpy mayor.
Tiny Glade might be Quaint with a capital Q, but many hours of enjoyment can be had here if you just let it tickle your imagination.