James Watson

2 games reviewed
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Feb 17, 2025

Despite its UI issues and missing features, Civ VII is still an enjoyable and addictive experience. Its new mechanics provide a fresh foundation which will no doubt be expanded on over the coming years with more content. If they can get over the substantial formula changes, hardcore fans of the series are more likely to be forgiving of the game's shortcomings and probably won't regret their purchase, but more casual players may want to sit tight until the title has been patched and padded out with more content for a more complete experience.

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Nov 1, 2024

Planet Coaster 2 is a worthy sequel to the original and it seems Frontier has really listened to fan feedback and delivered what fans have been longing for. If you liked the original then you'll love this follow-up, but genre newcomers could find the sheer spectrum of options here a touch overwhelming.

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