Ruddy Celestial
If I told younger me that he hadn’t played the complete version of this game, he would ask me two things. First, “who are you?” and secondly, “got any sunflower seeds?” You thought he would call me a liar? Nah, he’s played enough Stein’s Gate to know slightly what’s up. But I digress, getting to revisit what I believe is number three in my list of best entry in the Tales of series was a great reminder of what I love and miss the most about the series. I know the people who played the original will enjoy going down memory lane when playing. While newcomers will see the peak of what the battle system for this series can reach. Now, got out there with you bag full of Purple Gels and don’t skip the skits….please. I give Tales of Graces f Remastered the Thumb Culture Platinum Award