Josh Wirtanen

3 games reviewed
88.7 average score
4.6 / 5.0 - Torchlight II
Jul 9, 2020

If you had even the slightest interest in the original Torchlight, or if you're tired of Diablo III but are still itching for some more loot-grabbing RPG action, Torchlight II is well worth the asking price.

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Will this smaller story set in Rapture incite discussions over things like ludonarrative dissonance or how out of place the overly violent protagonist has gotten as video game storytelling evolves? I doubt it. It will, however, return you to Rapture and reference the events of Infinite, reminding you for a couple hours how damn awesome both of those things are. And for me, that's worth the price of admission.

4.7 / 5.0 - Fez
Apr 16, 2012

Fez is more than just a game. It's a perfect balance between platformer, puzzler, and explorable experience. It's a love letter to retro gaming. It's a hypnotic look inside the mind of one of gaming's more controversial figures. I would even say it's a masterpiece. Seriously, this one deserves your 800 MS points.

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