April Marie

3 games reviewed
92.0 average score
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4.8 / 5.0 - Far Cry 5
Mar 26, 2018

It might seem like I have a lot of complaints for a game I'm touting as being really good, but the positives of Far Cry 5 outweigh the negative. You can play exactly how you want. You can stealthily take down an entire region, before moving to another. You can run and gun your way through all three simultaneously. The characters that you meet are varied and engaging. There are tons of things to do and see, and plenty of real and virtual people to experience them with. Most of all, Far Cry 5 tells a story that grabs you by the shirt collar and never lets go. It would make a great addition to anyone's video game library, and you'll almost certainly come back to it after the credits roll.

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4.5 / 5.0 - The Evil Within 2
Oct 13, 2017

If you are considering getting The Evil Within 2, be prepared for some slightly clunky movement and somewhat repetitive walking simulator sections. Past that, it's a wonderful sequel to a game that was originally sort of a miss, rather than a hit. You'll become just as invested as Sebastian is when trying to find his daughter and walk away from the experience feeling like you got your money's worth. The Evil Within 2 is well worth the purchase, but especially those who enjoyed the first game and want something more.

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9 / 10.0 - Her Story
Jul 13, 2015

Her Story is a distinctive indie game with revolutionary gameplay. While it does have a bit of a learning curve at the start, it's incredibly rewarding in how the unpredictable story reveals.