Sophie Halliday
This is an astounding game. Civilization has always been associated as the benchmark for strategy gaming, and Civilization VI is now at the peak. This is as good as it gets.
Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing, and this game has it in abundance. In a way, it saddens me to think that I have likely already missed numerous small-yet-endearing side quests; that I've passed characters by without ever knowing the stories they have to tell. This game is magical, and magically intense – it is an experience that has been passionately and painstakingly realised by developer Larian.
As a modern re-release of two classic games, the Homeworld Remastered Collection should ultimately be considered a benchmark. Gearbox have delivered on all fronts: visuals, playability, compatibility and spirit. It's also a heck of a lot of fun.
Ultimately Paradox has created a brilliant and lasting experience in Stellaris; one that allows players to cultivate an empire that spans entire galaxies. It is both wonderful and appropriately grand.
In short, Olli Olli 2 is everything a great sequel should be: across the board improvement that builds on the solid foundation of its predecessor without losing the magic that made it special in the first place.
Helldivers is held back from an even higher score by the fact that it is, ultimately, fairly isolating for the solo player. However, Arrowhead Game Studios have still created a wonderfully entertaining game here; one that performs best when its brilliant cooperative elements are fully embraced.
The combination of the small decisions and details that go into tackling each level, alongside the grander themes of opportunities gained and lost, is a quality that makes Road Not Taken a cut above most puzzle games.
Overall, this game is a complete pleasure to play. It's evocative of older generations of theme park management sims in all the right ways, whilst having plenty of style and appeal in its own right. It's a game that can be both a source of relaxation and a challenge, depending on the player's mood. Planet Coaster is also poised to offer some excellent longevity via integration with the Steam Workshop. The possibilities are endless, and this reviewer is definitely on-board for the ride.
Endless Space 2 has that special, addictive, one-more-turn quality about it. There is real style here, and a hell of a lot of substance to back it up.
Ape Out is a game that is entirely the sum of its parts. Whilst many indie games look stylish, or sound cool, or have a solid gameplay mechanic, rarely do all three coalesce into something so memorably original. Ape Out will surely be one of the most unique games of 2019 and whilst it’s short, it packs a knockout punch.
Having battled some of the game's more exasperating stages I'll conclude with a simple statement: MouseCraft is a really good puzzle game.
There's never a dull moment: Brace Yourself Games have created an experience where there is a lot to think about in terms of strategy, movement, enemies, traps and maintaining multipliers. However, the constant pull of Baranowsky's compelling soundtrack always keeps things moving, encouraging the player to think on their toes and adapt to the situation at hand.
Sorcerer King is a game that should appeal to both fans of 4X and turn-based strategy games, and those with an open mind looking to experience something new in the genre. It can take a while to get to grips with everything it has to offer, in particular the doomsday scenario, but it pulls through with aplomb and should keep players coming back for more.
All definitions of 'game' aside, Alone With You is an impressive affair that I recommend to anyone who has an affinity for science fiction narratives and/or interactive storytelling. Its tale is both haunting and human, incisively reflective and extremely well told.
Dawn of War III certainly isn't the type of sequel that fans of the series may have anticipated, albeit it is still a title that is faithful to the Warhammer franchise. However, Relic's gamble of adapting their franchise in a way that more closely aligns with the popular MOBAs of the day has largely paid off, even if the game does suffer from a bit of an identity crisis in the process. It was a brave, risk/reward move – while it may disappoint some fans, it will certainly gain others and gives the series a fresh look rather than replicating more of the same.
It is impressive that, as a racing game, F1 2017 is a title that genuinely offers something for everyone. At its core though, Codemasters' title is obviously a simulation that has been pitched to F1 enthusiasts. Those players should find themselves more than satisfied with the variety of content, level of detail and complexity that's included.
Easy to pick up and play, CARRION is original, absorbing and entertaining.It also has an excellent soundtrack – it’s cinematic horror vibe is the perfect accompaniment for the bloodbath that ensues.
Wasteland 3 is a great ride and fans of the genre should thoroughly enjoy it. It’s an added bonus that familiarity with Wasteland 2 is really not a pre-requisite for picking up Wasteland 3 – the game is accessible and holds up in its own right.
Spelunky 2 is likely to delight those who revere its predecessor. As for newcomers, a whole new world of curiosity, frustration, rage quitting, perseverance and reward awaits. This is a game that may be a challenge to get into for some, but sooner rather than later determination to succeed will likely evolve into devotion. This will be a game that will always encourage players to come back for more.
Ultimately, Luftrausers is a game that balances a lot on its plate. It is easy to pick up but demands a lot of patience. It is challenging but lays all its cards out on the table within a very short time. It is fast and exciting, but requires the player to adapt. But it also doesn't pretend to be anything it's not, and all in all I found it to be a fun experience.