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Paul Tassi

Favorite Games:
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Halo 3
  • Mass Effect 2

49 games reviewed
85.3 average score
88 median score
78.3% of games recommended

Paul Tassi's Reviews

I write about video games full-time for Forbes, and I couldn't ask for a better job. I wasn't allowed to own a console until I was a teenager, so I've now compensated by playing them for a living. I usually favor shooters and action games, though I try to play a bit of everything. I own every console plus a gaming PC, and rarely a day goes by where I haven't written a few thousand words about video games. I also write books in my spare time, and have just finished my first sci-fi series, The Earthborn Trilogy.
Mar 21, 2019

This is a big win for Massive, Ubisoft and players themselves.

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7.3 / 10.0 - Anthem
Mar 4, 2019

Anthem may thrive. Anthem may fail. It has the bones to be something great but I am tired of saying that about so many games in this genre and five years after Destiny 1, I can’t believe we’re here yet again. Get it right the first time, because everyone is losing patience.

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5 / 10.0 - Fallout 76
Nov 20, 2018

This is a huge, rare, total miss by Bethesda, and even if it’s improved in time, I can only judge it by the hours I’ve lost to it so far.

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Sep 30, 2018

Again, it's more cake. Origins was delightful and Odyssey hits almost all the same notes, so there's a lot to like about it as well. But this series needs a bit of breathing room, and I hope it gets another bit of rest after this.

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Oct 26, 2017

Assassin's Creed Origins improves from its past few installments in almost every way, yet it never quite reaches the heights of the games it tries to emulate.

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9 / 10.0 - Destiny 2
Sep 18, 2017

While there's still room for improvement, and for this universe to live up to its full potential, Destiny 2 makes undeniable progress, and reinforces the idea that this is a series we'll be playing for at least an entire decade, when all is said and done.

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7 / 10.0 - Agents of Mayhem
Aug 15, 2017

Agents of Mayhem is a strange game. I did enjoy much of my time with it, but I kept wishing it was a fully-fledged Saints Row sequel, not some alternate universe spin-off with less content. I didn't expect all that much going in, but by the end, I wanted more than I got.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Prey
May 11, 2017

Prey has come out of relative nowhere to be a truly great campaign experience that succeeds despite some of the game's more muddled aspects. I'd recommend giving it a shot.

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Mar 20, 2017

I have a feeling that Mass Effect fans will enjoy the game, but I don't think anyone will claim it outclasses the original trilogy, outside of maybe the very first game. If you could combine the story and memorable quests of the originals with the combat, visuals and scope of Andromeda, you would have the perfect video game, though I think what's offered here will satisfy most.

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Feb 20, 2017

I was impressed with Horizon from the outset, my interest lagged a bit in the middle, but by the end I was a convert. This is a very cool universe with a genuinely likable new lead. Gameplay is excellent in most sections, and it avoids some irritating open world tropes like overloading players with substance-free side missions. There are some problems that reflect Guerrilla being new to this genre, but ultimately the good far outweighs the bad.

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9 / 10.0 - Watch Dogs 2
Nov 14, 2016

This is the game the original Watch Dogs should have been in many ways, and while it may still have more to learn, it’s hard to say that Watch Dogs 2 is anything but a success, and proof that Ubisoft can learn from their mistakes.

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Skyrim is a great game, but one where I finally might have reached my limit, as I discovered in this latest playthrough. If you’ve never played it, this is definitely the version to get, and if you’re a superfan, you’ve probably already bought it before reading this review.

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8 / 10.0 - Battlefield 1
Oct 17, 2016

No one makes more beautiful shooters than DICE, but their gameplay still leaves something to be desired, despite what appeared to be a total refresh with the WWI setting. Fans of the series may look past these faults or even embrace them, but some of them are hard to get past, and can define the entire experience.

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Aug 19, 2016

If you're a fan of the first game, I certainly recommend this one as well. But in a competitive season, it's hard to see Mankind Divided being as impactful or memorable as Deus Ex's reassurance five years ago.

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9 / 10.0 - INSIDE
Jul 7, 2016

Inside is an incredible game, a compelling artistic achievement that deserves your time no matter what genre of game you normally prefer.

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10 / 10.0 - Overwatch
May 25, 2016

It has been a very long time since I've felt this much passion for a game. Overwatch is a perfect storm. It's a new IP, looks gorgeous, plays phenomenally and singlehandedly rekindled my desire to play a genre of game I thought I'd left behind at this point.

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May 5, 2016

In short, it's an Uncharted game, and once again, that can speak for itself.

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8 / 10.0 - Far Cry Primal
Feb 22, 2016

If you like Far Cry, there's a pretty good chance you'll like this as well. But if you're becoming exhausted by ~20 hours of leveling, skinning, leaf-collecting, trinket-finding and map-clearing after the last few installments, Primal is definitely more of the same. The setting change is effective, but this isn't going outside of the series' comfort zone as much as Ubisoft might have you believe.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Fallout 4
Nov 9, 2015

In my mind, Fallout 4's greatest triumph, and its one major point of evolution is in its storytelling, crafting a lengthy, unexpected ending and resolution that I will remember for years to come. It also remains one of the best games in existence for those who simply like to wander and explore and unearth long-buried secrets. But it struggles with archaic gameplay systems and an inflexible engine that anchor the game to the past for all the wrong reasons. Fans may enjoy more Fallout and a brand new map to explore, but this sequel will not be heralded as revolutionary or overly impressive this time around.

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Oct 22, 2015

[W]e're back to tightly packed cities and crowds for two years running now, like we've warped all the way back to the Assassin's Creed II trilogy. And no matter how pretty the games get and how tight the mechanics are, it never feels fresh anymore.

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