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Steven Ruygrok

Favorite Games:
  • Heroes of the Might and Magic III
  • GoldenEye N64
  • Battletanks N64

41 games reviewed
83.9 average score
80 median score
80.5% of games recommended

Steven Ruygrok's Reviews

Gamer, Journalist and Senior Editor for Loved to city build in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, my mind was blown by the ending of Spec Ops: The Line, and I still cannot get enough of Heroes of the Might and Magic III (not IV, V, VI or VII, those are dead to me). Would love to hear from you on Twitter @DecayingSteve

Having had a great chance to digest the experience of Mirror's Edge Catalyst, I'm left with an open-world experience that doesn't sit on the crutch of weapon-driven combat, and instead lends gamers with a robust parkour system that is extremely rewarding and satisfying, all of which is set in a city that is truly worthy of a screenshot at every turn. It's a story that is touching, powerful and will have you invested in its characters. Mirror's Edge is back and it is here to stay.

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