Examiner's Reviews
Technomancer is a great mid-tier Sci-Fi RPG. Those waiting patiently for Mass Effect: Andromeda might find their appetite satiated for the time being, but those wanting a flawless AAA experience will be left frustrated. The depth of the game is extremely admirable and well-handled, the influences are well placed without being beaten to death, and the game overall straddles the line between good and fine.
Playdead’s Inside is an exceptional game that Xbox One and PC owners shouldn’t miss out on. You truly have to experience the game to appreciate what it has to offer.
When it comes down to it, Trials of the Blood Dragon feels like some fans wanted to do something with the story and somehow incorporate it into a game. That game was a motocross game. If the entire game was more platforming and less motorcycles and vehicles, it had potential to be entertaining. The game only offers a single player experience, as well. Hopefully, the release of this game will jolt Ubisoft into doing an actual sequel or a prequel to the actual Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon game. Trials of the Blood Dragon is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam for $14.99, which is a fair price.
Umbrella Corps has some good ideas going for it, but the speed of the game really dampens the enjoyment one will have with the game. If the game was slowed down and played like a traditional tactical-based cover shooter, it would have an easier time finding its audience. As it stands, you’re better off picking up Resident Evil 5 on PS4, Xbox One, or PC if you are in need of a zombie fix.
This game will not be heralded as a classic in the same vein as Mega Man. However, the original Mega Man isn't the best either. Fans debate back and forth between Mega Man 2 and 3 as their favorites (MM3 for this writer's money). Another example is the first Assassin's Creed. Great concept, failed delivery. The point is, despite its flaws, Mighty No. 9 is a good step toward reviving the Mega Man style in all but name. Hopefully the team will learn from their mistakes and make the next game the classic fans want it to be.
Deadlight Director's Cut packs a good game in a shinier package – a solid platforming survival (not zombie slaughter) game that emphasizes staying alive and moving quickly while taking the high ground that now has refined visuals and controls. Overall it's a good package and certainly the best way to experience Deadlight but those looking for a ton of value packed or incredible voice acting might be left a little disappointed. In the end, it's a good game, great experience, and we can't wait to see what Tequila Works brings us next.
Fenix Furia has had a rough go from concept to release, and while there's a good platformer in there for the glutton for punishment, there's also quite a bit of frustration. Some cool concept and art design with straightforward controls give a good core platforming game, but some light story, frustrating mechanical choices, and lack of reward may leave players wanting more.
Having had a great chance to digest the experience of Mirror's Edge Catalyst, I'm left with an open-world experience that doesn't sit on the crutch of weapon-driven combat, and instead lends gamers with a robust parkour system that is extremely rewarding and satisfying, all of which is set in a city that is truly worthy of a screenshot at every turn. It's a story that is touching, powerful and will have you invested in its characters. Mirror's Edge is back and it is here to stay.
If you are a fan of the original Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and feel the need to embark on a new journey, there is certainly a lot here to offer with Blood and Wine. The large-sized new area, dying armor, and the incorporation of mutations present a sufficient amount of new gameplay elements to play around with. However, it is the thirty hours of new adventures tied in with the amount of new quests and point of interests that will get players back into the game. Blood and Wine even offers a dynamic point of interest system that will affect the number of enemies in a certain area based on your actions. With the game being standalone, it could sell by itself. Being able to import a previous character, however, will certainly bring a lot to the table for fans of the series as The Witcher 3’s core gameplay is still in tact.
With no game like Tropico 5: Penultimate Edition available for Xbox One, fans of the genre should definitely give the game a look. It makes for a good summer game as you build and develop an island colony during your downtime and prepare for your presidential run in 2020.
Marrakesh provides the most complexity to the Hitman formula yet, and its design and setting make players work harder for success now more than ever before. Overall, Hitman Episode 3 is yet another amazing addition to the series this year and I can't wait to get lost in its fourth episode.
Some remasters can feel a bit mailed in when it comes to how much they’ve actually been improved, but Dead Island: Definitive Edition is not one of them. Who knows what is going to happen to Dead Island 2 at this stage, but one thing that is true is Deep Silver has reignited the franchise with Dead Island: Definitive Edition.
If you like playing as the bad guys in a fairy tale and have a love for real-time strategy games, Dungeons 2 is worth a shot.
Kirby: Planet Robobot is an excellent 3DS action platform game. It has all the charm you want from a Kirby game, but with more puzzles and action. It’s my favorite Kirby game, and is one of the best games to release this year. Simply put: Kirby: Planet Robobot is amazing.
Far Harbor is Bethesda doing what they do well, extending the longevity of the product and prolonging the players want and need to explore more and more. I finished most of Far Harbor, but it’ll be weeks, if not months before I can say I’ve seen everything. The creepy atmosphere, new designs for everything from weapons to characters and buildings really make this DLC feel different. While there’s a hiccup in the action with the hacking/data theft section, it’s not a dealbreaker.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for PC is the definitive version of two great entries in the overall series. There's more than enough additional content packed in, refined visuals and a remastered soundtrack that alone would be worth it, but put on top of it a few of the better Final Fantasy journeys and memorable characters, as well as mechanics and it's an easy recommendation.
Homefront: The Revolution can be a great game, and maybe a few months from now Dambuster Studios will have fixed everything that's wrong with it. However, with the current state it is in now it's extremely difficult to recommend this game, even to the most ardent fans of Homefront.
Shadow of the Beast is an average arcade brawler that offers a smooth combat system that has a surprising amount of depth to it. With a playtime of around 4hrs to complete, the game relies heavily on whether or not the player wants to trek through the dull levels for a second or third time to discover all the game has to offer. Fans of the original game and those who enjoy old-school arcade brawlers will enjoy their time with Shadow of the Beast.
Shadwen is value-packed game that has a few hours of content in a more than reasonably priced package. The mechanics of rope swinging, grappling and zipping up, as well as chaining together the perfect kills while never being discovered or rarely touching the ground are entirely rewarding.
When it comes down to it, the new Doom is superbly fun. While there are nods to the previous games in the series, there are times where it does not "feel" like a Doom game. That does not deter from the overall experience. The game is gorgeous, sounds great, and offers reasons to come back and play.