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Steven Ruygrok

Favorite Games:
  • Heroes of the Might and Magic III
  • GoldenEye N64
  • Battletanks N64

41 games reviewed
83.9 average score
80 median score
80.5% of games recommended

Steven Ruygrok's Reviews

Gamer, Journalist and Senior Editor for Loved to city build in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, my mind was blown by the ending of Spec Ops: The Line, and I still cannot get enough of Heroes of the Might and Magic III (not IV, V, VI or VII, those are dead to me). Would love to hear from you on Twitter @DecayingSteve
Dec 2, 2015

Overall, for gamers who are thirsty for an experience that focuses on the story it is telling, Beyond: Two Souls has a tale worthy of your time. On the other hand, if you are someone who is looking for challenging a gameplay experience, all you'll find is a very basic set of gameplay mechanics that leave a lot to be desired.

Over the course of my 14.5 hour playthrough of the game's story and the many, many more completing side content, it's very easy to see why Microsoft made the investment they did. Say what you want but Rise of the Tomb Raider is one of the best games released in 2015. Rise of the Tomb Raider is the best Xbox One exclusive in 2015. Fans on other platforms will absolutely love this game when it arrives elsewhere next year. Rise of the Tomb Raider is the type of journey you will want to visit a lot more than just one time.

Oct 26, 2015

It's always hard for fans when a new studio takes over an existing, legendary series like Halo, but 343 Industries has done a masterful job of living up to what Halo has been, while progressing it further in their own vision. Halo 5 Guardians is a beautiful, challenging and entertaining step forward for the series both on the multiplayer and campaign front, even despite the decreased role of Master Chief. Trust in 343 Industries, Halo fans.

When I look at the big picture, Assassin's Creed Syndicate is one of the best installments in years. It does nearly everything perfect, save the bug I mentioned and establishing a bit more gameplay contrast between Evie and Jacob. I think fans of the series will be quite pleased with what they find. Assassin's Creed Syndicate puts the franchise back on track, proving that it does not need a year off.

This game gives so many people a voice, it gives so many people an emotional outlet, and it transcends the usual thought of what a video game can be. Life is Strange is a Game of the Year nominee, and it's a game you have to experience on your own in order to truly understand.

Sep 15, 2015

Overall, NHL 16 is a remarkably improved experience compared to last year's. With more depth and features, addictive Be A Pro and Be A GM modes, stunning visuals and an exquisite gameplay experience, NHL 16 is exactly what people hoped NHL 15 would be: a great game.

Aug 24, 2015

Madden NFL 16 is the best iteration in the franchise this generation, presenting gamers with the most in-depth Connected Franchise yet and an interesting Draft Champions mode that has great potential to grow. Madden NFL 16 is a fantastic step forward for the series and is one players will thoroughly enjoy.

It's difficult to effectively describe everything this game has to offer. It's difficult to think about the next time we see a new Metal Gear Solid and when that will be. It is, however, not difficult to say that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the best game of the year so far.

Life is Strange Episode 4 Dark Room is terrific, once again delivering a magnificent blend of reality, authenticity, danger and twists. The uncalled for cork board investigation scene is not enough to derail Dark Room entirely, and the ending more than makes up for it. Life is Strange continues to be one of my favorite games of the entire year and I hope DONTNOD can finish off the story with the same impact in episode five, as they have delivered in the first four episodes.

Jul 14, 2015

Rory McIlroy PGA Tour is a great game and I do not see myself getting away from it anytime soon.

Life is Strange has beckoned players to think about their decisions because just when you think a choice is for the good, something bad or unexpected happens. Thus far, Life is Strange has been a fine portrayal of life, there are no black and white realities, only gray areas, and it is in the shades of light that we experience our true happiness. Life is Strange is turning out to be a revolutionary game that everyone must experience.

The choices in Life is Strange: Episode 2 have only gotten bigger and more serious. DONTNOD has setup some pretty big moments ahead of players and I'm excited to see where they take the story, its characters and world next.

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection is one of the best remasters out there and delivers exceptional value in spades.

Feb 19, 2015

Overall, The Order: 1886 is an exceptional game that can be mistaken for a film as much as it can be for a game. Ready At Dawn achieved their mission of showing how a game can be great even when priorities lie in the visual, sound and plot departments.

Overall, Life is Strange Episode 1: Chrysalis is an outstandingly charming, albeit brief beginning to this beautiful, new world. DONTNOD Entertainment has laid out what is to come in stellar fashion and I can't wait for Episode 2 to arrive, though waiting until sometime in March is still a decision I seriously question.

Oct 7, 2014

When I look at the overall experience that is DRIVECLUB, I find an addictive single-player campaign that left me wanting more and more. The online multiplayer is a fun and competitive mode to enjoy with friends. DRIVECLUB proves to be everything I wanted it to be, with a few exceptions here and there.

Overall, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is a thoroughly enjoyable experience on the PS4, much like it was on the Xbox One. It still remains one of the best shooters of the year, and that's with no story or campaign mode being attached to the game. PopCap Games and EA have a gem on their hands and if we could be so lucky, we'll see a return to the garden sometime in the near future.

[I]t's a must for any gamer's PS4 collection. It's only one of the best games ever made, and something I simply cannot get enough of.

May 27, 2014

I'm happy to report to you, Watch Dogs is a great game.

Feb 18, 2014

Those who haven't played this game, you need this in your game collection because it is a perfect example of a great platformer. Whether or not this game is worth $40 is a subjective decision each of you will need to make, but we certainly would be willing to recommend picking this game up day one on PS4 regardless. It's simply that good, once again.