Cameron Kunzelman
DMC: Definitive Edition puts a decent game back in the limelight with some additional content that launches it up above decent and into great. Also there's a moment where a demon yells "fuck you" and Dante yells "fuck you!" and then the demon yells "FUCK YOUUUU!!!" and now you get to experience that in glorious HD resolution at sixty frames per second in the year of our Lord two thousand and fifteen.
You can destroy your smile again with the game modes of old in a new graphical package. If you're looking for the next big, huge, mind-blowing iteration that jumps us forward fifty years in shape-on-shape violence, then it isn't here. I don't need to navigate a three dimensional pomegranate with my mine-laying drone in order to enjoy myself. In fact, it takes away from that enjoyment. You might feel differently.
Elegy For A Dead World is a great provocation with some wonderful ideas behind it, but I'm not sure where the draw is after the first fifteen minutes. It is a game that could be wonderful with the inclusion of local or networked multiplayer (co-writing about these worlds would be magical) or a little more direction from the designers. That said, as it stands it is merely a set of good-to-great ideas that cohere in a form that failed to capture my imagination.