James Wright (Impulsegamer)

142 games reviewed
81.6 average score
80 median score
70.5% of games recommended
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May 3, 2017

This edutainment experience goes for a whopping 18-minutes and gives the viewer just enough information to keep you entertained as you explore these underwater wrecks. It's really quite fascinating that is made even more enjoyable thanks to the VR experience.

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What makes David Attenborough's First Life VR so interesting is the content behind the visuals which is like a virtual reality edutainment experience and even though it's only 15-mintues long, it's definitely a title that can be revisited time and time again.

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May 2, 2017

Probably my favourite PS VR Experience so far because it's almost like swimming with the sharks and all the other sea life in this area. Seeing the sharks swim by and with the headset, it really gives the illusion that you are underwater and it feels like you could almost reach out and touch the sharks.

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Nov 19, 2014

Singstar Ultimate Party definitely misses the mark when it comes to all the bells and whistles from the Singstar franchise. Sure the gameplay is sturdy and the voice recognition is pretty much flawless but it's missing the heart and soul of what made this series so good. Yes it's cool that you can use your mobile phone as a microphone and that you can share your videos with social media but regrettably that's about it.

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Nov 19, 2022

Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx is a game that targets children, however it lacks the polish of other games and as a result becomes quite repetitive and frustrating which mirrored the opinion of my kids. In the end, this game based on the popular TV series could have been a far more superior experience. Just because a game targets children doesn't mean it needs to be mediocre.

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2.8 / 5.0 - Hustle Kings (VR)
Nov 16, 2016

Although almost a mirror port with the original PlayStation 4 Hustle Kings, this current VR version does make the game more realistic so to speak but the fiddly controls unfortunately destroy that illusion. It’s a good try but once again, you cannot beat the real-life version of pool which is where I’m sticking for now!

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In the end, Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch missed that first jump and hopefully the developers will release future patches to resolve the control mechanics. As a result, it was a difficult grind for my daughter and I that revolved around the inconsistencies with controls and graphics which hampered our overall enjoyment.

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Dec 17, 2017

Disneyland Adventures is not the best Xbox One X game out there and although it successfully channels Disney, the gameplay is quite basic and does border on boring at times, even for younger players. Nonetheless, the exploration is fun but just be warned that things get very repetitive very early on.

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3 / 5.0 - Star Fox Guard
May 1, 2016

Given the digital price of Star Fox Guard, it’s an okay casual game but it doesn’t have too much depth or replay value once you have completed. It’s fun at the time, yet ultimately forgettable and the links to the Star Fox universe are tentative at best. Nonetheless, it’s a clever twist of a mobile tower defence game that successfully uses the GamePad and your TV to transform you into a “Star Fox” security guard for Slippy Toad’s uncle!

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Dec 3, 2017

Rush: A Disney-Pixar Adventure on Xbox One X is a title for younger players, however the overall replay value is lacking and doesn't really do much to enhance the experience on the Xbox One X. Compared to the Kinect version, it's superior but in the grand scheme of things, it's unfortunately just another port to a more powerful console.

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Nov 2, 2015

Given the lack of rally games on the PlayStation 4, WRC 5 definitely fills this gap but is hampered by its dated appearance on this next-gen console. This is not to say that WRC 5 is a bad game but when compared to other titles of this genre, it's definitely on the other end of the spectrum.

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Sep 11, 2015

In conclusion, Onechanbara Z2: Chaos is a relatively stock standard Japanese fighting game. Ot definitely pays homage to the world of anime, particularly with all the scantily clad woman with lots of flesh as they hack, cut and blow their enemies to Kingdom Come. It's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously and if you enjoy some mindless violence, more so mindless violence dished out by beautiful virtual woman then Onechanbara Z2: Chaos may be the game for you.

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3.3 / 5.0 - Screencheat
Mar 28, 2016

Screencheat harkens back to those days of yesteryear where you could "spy" on people's screens during LAN gaming which is where this title succeeds on the XBox One!

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Nov 14, 2016

In conclusion, Super Stardust Ultra VR transforms the previous game and gives the player a cockpit view that has been built especially for virtual reality. Although this mode does work, I did find the graphics a little dated and at times, a little jarring, especially the non-cockpit game modes. Nonetheless, it’s still an interesting and at times fun experience on the PlayStation VR but given the launch titles, it is on the weaker side but for under $30AUD (November 2016), it’s not bad!

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Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is a sturdy sporting title for the Nintendo 3DS that boasts some decent graphics, fun sound effects that would be expect to hear in Brazil plus some carefully designed sporting games that work on most levels. Sure, it does become a little tedious here and there but for the most part, it's a fun game to play from short to long bursts of gaming that also gives you enough incentives to come back for more.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Minecraft Legends
Apr 19, 2023

Minecraft Legends is an RTS-lite Minecraft experience that feels like Pikmin at times. While not the most difficult strategy game on the market, it will suit those gamers who love the Minecraft universe and will give you enough incentive and enjoyment to keep playing in the end. Once it's all done and as the maps are procedurally created, you can start again for a slightly different experience.

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3.5 / 5.0 - The Falconeer
Dec 13, 2020

The Falconeer succeeds in its exploration which is wonderful, however its repetition and frustrating combat mechanics creates a whole new challenge for the gamer. Lastly, this new world will take most gamers around 10 to 12 hours to successfully complete and its creator Tomasa Sala should be commended on creating a brand new and engaging world with its own rich culture and dynamics. Interestingly to say the least!

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Jan 5, 2020

All in all, Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training is fun diversion of the Nintendo Switch that makes most of the brain's clever neuroplasticity component that allows you to improve your memory and thinking. While it is reminiscent of the original game, it does create a totally new experience on the Nintendo Switch, particularly with its unique control systems.

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Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection may be just another sim at its core, however the developers give the player some good gaming mechanics and spectacular 4K graphics. The control system is a little so-so but overall it still works well on this new console. So if you're looking for your next sim fix, Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection ticks the right boxes.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Super Bomberman R
Mar 4, 2017

It's been awhile since a Bomberman game has graced a Nintendo console and it's good to see the franchise make a comeback, even if it stays a little too true to its original format. However if you're looking for a solo-experience, I would recommend another title but if you're looking for some multiplayer fun for local or online play, Bomberman R delivers on that front and is a great way to spend an hour or so blowing your friends, family and colleagues to smithereens.

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