Philip Kollar
Second Son is more of the Infamous you already know
Episode 2 raises stakes and expectations for The Walking Dead's second season
Spartan Assault's simple gameplay and broken economy misses what's special about Halo
Risk of Rain is a great blend of difficulty and approachability
The Walking Dead Season 2 may be better as a whole but it falters in the first episode
Doki-Doki universe is a gleeful game of self-reflection
Powerstar Golf balances smart social features and tight core gameplay with shaky economics
Ryse is beautiful but hollow
It's not the most stable racer, but Need for Speed Rivals puts spectacular ideas to great use
The moments of payoff come too infrequently to make plodding through another three dozen frustrating enemies any less tedious.
Final Fantasy 14 redeems the series' greatest disaster
Rogue Legacy rewards patience with non-stop surprises.
Like many of the Western RPGs that influenced it, Dragon's Dogma is an uneven experience, but it's one that rewards patience and perseverance, and it's a bold argument for why Japanese developers should continue making RPGs, with or without the inspiration from this side of the Pacific.