Ruben Strubbe

3 games reviewed
71.7 average score
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Sep 14, 2014

PiranhaBytes have always created games aimed at something of a niche in the RPG gaming community. Risen 3 once again caters to this core audience, and if - like me - you were a prior fan of the Risen or Gothic games, no doubt you'll find a good deal to entertain you in this flawed but nonetheless enjoyable game. To score this game I've had to set my personal love for it aside, however,  and try to be as unbiased as possible. And with that in mind, I can't give it more than a mediocre-to-good 7.5; weak voice acting and continuing flaws in the controversial combat system letting down an otherwise solid RPG offering.

Jun 14, 2014

If price doesn't matter to you and you are looking to while away an afternoon playing something a little different, then I suggest you pick up A Story About My uncle right now, because there is a childish glee to playing this game and it is good experience in its own right.

7.5 / 10.0 - Battlefield 4
Dec 6, 2013

If you then manage to play alongside your real world buddies and the shonky Battelog system doesn't crash you to desktop 30 seconds from the end of a round then it is easy to advise you to grab a copy, because multi-player shooting does not get much better than this. On the other hand, if all that stuff goes wrong, you can quickly lose an hour of your life and be wondering why you are trying to play this pile of crap. And that is unfortunately the gaming lottery we are faced with.