Game Debate
Game Debate's Reviews
If you’re looking for a game to unwind, then there’s no better place to look. But if you’re looking for something unique, something that will stick with you for years to come, you’re better off looking somewhere else.
Overall, I find the game to run much smoother than F1 2020. It's great to see codemasters actually fixing issues from the last game to this game but only time will tell. Is it worth buying if you already own F1 2020? I don't think so, unless you are a hardcore F1 fan and really want to try Braking Point. For me, the biggest reason to buy it would be for the co-op career, which just seems like too much fun having your friend as a rival or even a team mate and dominating the season. Hopefully this gives way into maybe having a co-op My Team game mode in the future. Seems like a great step forward and I'm glad EA being involved hasn't influenced Codemasters that much.
Resident Evil Village may be the best Resident Evil of all time. It certainly is up there with the best of the series, but that heavily depends on your kind of RE game. If you enjoyed RE4 or RE7 then you'll probably like this one. And if you enjoyed both of them as much as each other then this very well could be one of the best. It certainly is for me.
As it is, Mountains of Madness is fun as a casual diversion for Lovecraft lovers and Cthulhuphiles, and is nostalgia-adjacent for those of us who grew up around Guybrush Threepwood.
Let's hope it's not another 20 years until the next one. But until then...
There are not all that many games around like it. As an overall strategy-come-management-sim, it's fair, but with a few annoying and perhaps unforgivable flaws. As a chance to stomp around in an underground base built into a volcano, shouting at people and firing giant superlasers at Australia just for the sheer fun of it, it's pretty much your best option.
It's the best action shooter series out at the moment for sure.
Assassins Creed Valhalla is a lot of fun and easy to sink dozens of hours into. It is the best entry in the more recent trilogy and genuinely elevates the gameplay mechanics. Content could be considered somewhat bloated still, but it is diverse enough and the setting and story is solid most of the way through.
There's a lot of surface detail, that is clearly just set dressing, yet it still provides one of the most incredibly realized and mature worlds to date. The story and characters are wonderful and pull you into their needs and wants. If you don't mind a number of immersion-breaking bugs or lack of polish, then Cyberpunk 2077 absolutely measures up to be one of the best games out there, but only if you're willing to put the work in to find the good stuff.
In the end, the Colorado DLC for American Truck Simulator is the same as it has been with previous DLCs, but Colorado might be the best looking one yet. Not only has it got some truly stunning landscapes but it is also meticulously detailed. SCS Software keep adding to an already great game and bringing that cross country USA road trip closer to reality.
Watch Dogs Legion is a fun and satisfying open world sandbox, with lots of tools for destruction and various strategies to go about completing your objective. It's great in short bursts, but rarely has you hooked on any one thing to keep you coming back.
Overall, when the game runs it runs great, but you'll be let down more often than not. And it's a real shame because it is a very enjoyable game to play... again though, when it works. I'm sure the developers will patch it a few times before it gets fixed as the random freezing and crashes is what causes the most problems, especially when playing online. But I will be keeping up to date in the comments if it becomes more playable without a mass of bugs and glitches.
And while it's easy to recommend you pick up and enjoy The Falconeer, its real magic lies in waiting. As hopefully it's the start of a new series, where we eventually see The Falconeer Black Flag, or whatever Tomas decides to call it. And that is really where it starts to fill my flight chaps with excitement juice.
All in all, Ghostrunner mixes all the best parkour elements from Mirror's Edge and introduces it to the chaotically symphonic combat of orchestral violence that is Hotline Miami. Run, die, run, and die again; it's brutal in all the best ways and will have you aching for a perfect run. Whilst it does have some issues and can feel a little short, your time in Ghostrunner will be wholly enjoyable, and filled with so many ecstatic moments of blissful victory.
All in all, Star Wars Squadrons ends up trying to cater towards many different players, whether that be beginners or experts, flat screen or VR, and ends up feeling a bit flat with a lack of nuance and depth. However, the VR and HOTAS support more than makes up for it, and the simulated flying mechanics are decent if limited. It's an enjoyable experience for the average Star Wars and flying sim fan, and perfect for getting beginners more interested in the latter. But you will almost definitely enjoy it more with a head mounted display and a full throttle-and-stick setup.
The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon adds a nice chunk to the already delicious pie, It's a satisfying extension of an already entertaining experience, so if you enjoyed the base game then you will definitely enjoy this new expansion. The writing is stellar as always, with the typical Obsidian charm that hooked us the first time round. And whilst it's mostly just more of the same, I'm perfectly happy with that.
Port Royale 4 is ambitious and delivers in most regards, leading to a well rounded and beautifully choreographed world. The green tropical islands seem to breathe with life and purpose, a purpose that you influence through a variety of means, whether through trade, nationalism or just blatant piracy.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 is a timeless classic that is always worth being reminded about. Some things were done well to begin with and the Complete Edition brings us back to the thrilling excitement of management sims.
As a standalone, single player adventure, Marvel's Avengers is a great experience that is well worth it for major fans of the Marvel universe, Movies and all. However, the majority of endgame content suffers from repetitive and uninspired missions, making the progress from vigilante to superhero a boring task. Though the promise of free post-launch content for 2 years is enticing for even the most hardcore and dedicated Marvel fans.
Struggling has imaginative indie talent sloshing throughout. Plus, you can tell it's got a big publisher behind it, believing in its charm and uniqueness.