Chris Howlett
However, this must be said. Although it truly is not quite as good, with Capcom letting Mega Man collect dust in his cryogenic pod until the year 21XX, this is definitely a serviceable replacement, especially at its affordable price-tag. With a few minor control issues you'll eventually overcome, it isn't mind blowing nor is it exceptionally special in its own right.
For those of us returning home for that rare visit, it's a fun game that'll bring you back to the good ol' days. For everyone else, it's just another game of Euchre..
There's nothing wrong with it, mind you. It works well and is a generally fun concept to spend time with, but with such a thin number of options available within the game, while fun, it's hard to imagine most people playing it more than a couple of times. And while it might give you a warm, fuzzy feeling reminiscent of the olden days at first, digging out the old table hockey set will probably lose it's luster after 20 minutes or so.