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Daniel Vaughan


Favorite Games:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Kingdom Hearts II

42 games reviewed
72.8 average score
76 median score
33.3% of games recommended

Daniel Vaughan's Reviews

Reviews Editor at GamersFTW and “BA (Hons) Creative Computer Games Design” graduate from South Wales. Enthusiastic gamer, manga and anime lover, part-time games journalist and wannabe animator. Always happy to talk about games!
8 / 10.0 - Elliot Quest
Apr 18, 2015

Elliot Quest is a great homage to the classic 8-bit era that inspired it. The game is visually impressive, boasts a catchy, enjoyable soundtrack and features hours upon hours of replayability. However the best thing about this game also happens to be the worst; it definitely doesn't hold your hand. While it is very easy to get lost on your journey across the island the game provides a great challenge that'll keep players entertained for a long time.

Mar 17, 2015

Oceanhorn perhaps tries a bit too much to be like a Zelda game and could do with a bit more originality. Despite this it is still a very enjoyable game with its challenging boss battles and colourfully detailed world, however with a bit more polish to some of its puzzle mechanics it could have broken its boundaries and left more of an impression of its own.