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Daniel Vaughan


Favorite Games:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Kingdom Hearts II

42 games reviewed
72.8 average score
76 median score
33.3% of games recommended

Daniel Vaughan's Reviews

Reviews Editor at GamersFTW and “BA (Hons) Creative Computer Games Design” graduate from South Wales. Enthusiastic gamer, manga and anime lover, part-time games journalist and wannabe animator. Always happy to talk about games!

Polarized ending may split some players with some saying the endings offer a satisfying conclusion to this teen sci-fi drama while others may find it a somewhat underwhelming climax to what has been a great series. The ending aside, this has been another very well written chapter, as the tension continued to rise throughout and as for the character development it was again on top form rewarding players with some very moving moments.

After the shocking conclusion of Chaos Theory, Life is Strange Dark Room ups the ante once more and continues on it path of out of the blue surprises. Taking a darker and at times almost gruesome turn, episode 4 offers not only the longest story of the four but the best in the series so far. Character development reaches a new emotional level of depth and the gameplay has developed further again to gain a sense of challenge.

Nov 29, 2015

Sword Art Online: Lost Song of course won't appeal to everyone, fans on the other hand are sure to enjoy another outing with the likable SAO cast. The sidequests lack quite a bit of depth and the unique flight mechanic makes for enjoyable way to explorbut takes a lot of time to get used to. Give it enough time though and you'll find a fun and addictive RPG.

Nov 14, 2015

Using only a series of interesting artwork, an eerie soundtrack and a string of text it's surprising just how much Sound of Drop – fall into poison – can put players on edge and disturb them. Of course this is a choice based visual novel and not going to appeal to everyone, plus it's a shame that there's no voice acting as it could have added something to the experience. Avoiding the typical VN romance tropes with a unique horror approach makes this a quality product and highlight for the genre.

Zelda Tri Force Heroes isn't your typical Zelda outing, boasting the franchises most eccentric story and some fabulous graphics and that's not just about the clothing. Multiplayer is without doubt the best way to experience the land of Hytopia, just be wary that communication is restricted when playing online and single player feels like an afterthought. Tri Force Heroes is a fun experience that anyone can get into but because it's essentially a mini game spin-off title it may lose some of the diehard fans who are eagerly awaiting the next big instalment

Dragon Quest Heroes is perhaps the most near perfect crossover of any of Omega Force's previous attempts. The story never really gets that complicated but it moves at a decent pace and the characters little quirks make it enjoyable. However you can't help but be disappointed by what's not there. The stripped back combat mechanics mean you can't go on epic rampages like you could in Warriors games, and while there are a lot of strategic elements it's never as deep as the Dragon Quest games. There is still more than enough content available for fans of both franchises to sink their teeth in to.

Oct 23, 2015

Tales of Zestiria sticks to a lot of the typical JRPG stereotypes with its plot and characters but it's still an enjoyable ride from start to finish. Sure the linear dungeons can be rather tedious to explore, the camera swings around uncontrollably and some of the characters are a tad on the bland side but the pros far out way the cons. That charmingly beautifully anime art style and deep robust combat system make this title another great instalment in to the Tales series, one that both fans and newcomers will love!

Oct 9, 2015

As long as you're up for just playing a running and passing strategy then Rugby World Cup 2015 plays alright. Try anything else and you're in for a whole mess of problems. The game feels very much like it was rushed to coincide with this year's tournament. There are huge flaws everywhere from the game breaking bugs, atrocious AI and poor design decisions. Ultimately this game deserves to spend some time in the sin bin.

Oct 3, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II is neither sequel nor expansion but sit's somewhere neatly in the middle. Reusing environments, characters and combat mechanics from the original the narrative has a nice rewrite to make a more engaging character focused story and upgrade mechanics have been revamped to make them easier and more enjoyable to navigate. Fans of the series and even the 4th instalment will still enjoy this, there's enough of a change to make it stand out and it's also a great place to start for those new to the franchise.

7.5 / 10.0 - Stairs
Sep 29, 2015

STAIRS is a fantastically terrifying game; you're constantly put on the edge by some perfectly framed shots and some great sound effects that'll constantly have you looking over your shoulder. There are some nerve racking stealthy like sections but they feel just a little tedious, and while the individual stories are enjoyable they don't seem to tie up neatly. Still you do get some decent puzzles to solve, some interesting gameplay mechanics and of course some great scares. This is a must play for any fans of horror out there.

8.7 / 10.0 - Runbow
Sep 26, 2015

Runbow is a fantastic experience whether you're adventuring alone or running amuck with some mates. There's a huge amount of content to try out and enjoy from the various different modes, the huge amount of content and staggering number of playable scenarios. The whole colour switching mechanic makes for some interesting, varied and frighteningly addictive gameplay that'll eat up great quantities of your time.

Sep 20, 2015

I Can't Escape: Darkness certainly does well to create a tense atmosphere with some great pleasing visuals. Unfortunately that doesn't cover up this games flaws. Combat is slow and irritating, exploration becomes tiresome after several attempts and there's never any real motivation to keep players going. This game just seems to be more style over substance.

Sep 11, 2015

Underneath the One piece slathered visuals and story you have your typical Warriors game, but the two fit perfectly together. The hack 'n' slash combat feels nice and fluid and makes it accessible for anyone despite their level of skill plus the anime style is a real treat to look at just be wary of the drop in local multiplayer. One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 is a game that fans of the series and Warriors franchise will absolutely love plus its one that players unfamiliar to series will be able to enjoy.

Sep 6, 2015

Pirates were the most appealing aspect of Risen 3 but unfortunately it gets quickly overshadowed with an average story about magic and demons that fails to hold players interest. There is an enjoyable amount of locations to explore and enemies to discover but actually take any on in a fight and you'll be faced with some very clunky combat mechanics. With so many other RPG's available to players Risen 3: Titan Lords Enhanced Edition or otherwise is probably one that's best avoided.

Aug 27, 2015

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment falls into the same pitfall that most Anime to game adaptions do in that fans are sure to get a great kick out of it but it'll leave everyone else scratching their heads. Add on top of that that it's a rather disappointing port and the translations aren't handled very well. Give it enough time and you'll find a fun RPG experience with some fantastic combat mechanics. If you want more you can't say anything bad about the amount of content thrown at it either. Great for the fans, not so good for everyone else.

8.6 / 10.0 - Splatoon
Jun 4, 2015

Splatoon is without a doubt one of the best games out there for the Wii U. The games unique paint mechanics make for great frantic, fast paced matches that anyone can get some enjoyment out of. Unfortunately it's disappointing how little content there is at launch - with only two online modes and short hero mode it leaves you wanting more. Yet the quirky nature of the game makes it highly addictive and something that'll keep you entertained for hours on end.

Jun 2, 2015

Magnetic: Cage Closed's multiple story branches and wildly chaotic magnetic gameplay certainly sets it apart from others in the genre. All of the puzzles follow a similar structure which can become a little repetitive, but there are occasionally some decent challenges to help keep players interested. There are a couple of gripes towards the games mechanics but the charming writing style and 9 endings give it a great depth.

8.3 / 10.0 - A Bastard's Tale
May 28, 2015

A Bastard’s Tale is a great game if you’re looking for a challenge. The combat mechanics take a little getting used to but they’re really top notch and there’s a great gameplay setting to go along with it. True it’s a little on the short side and it could have done with an actual story to give an extra push through those difficult times. However the addictive gameplay and need to get just a little further will keep pulling you in every time. This is a game that’s great for killing time in short bursts and one to recommend.

8.6 / 10.0 - Block N Load
May 11, 2015

Block N Load is an addictive fast-paced strategy game that is definitely worth checking out, and guaranteed to keep you entertained for hours.

7.6 / 10.0 - The Weaponographist
May 3, 2015

The Weapongraphist is an addictive loop-based upgrade game with a solid control scheme making for smooth combat experience and it speedrun like approach to dungeon exploration. This is a must have for fans of the dungeon crawling genre.