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Ian Boudreau

Wilmington, DE

Favorite Games:
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • StarCraft
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

49 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
59.0% of games recommended

Ian Boudreau's Reviews

Senior Editor at TapTap
7 / 10.0 - Cobalt
Feb 24, 2016

Cobalt could definitely use a bit more documentation or a more fleshed-out tutorial to explain the many systems it throws at you from the outset, and the gameplay never feels as tight as, say, Super Meat Boy, but it's full of its own weird, clunky charm and certainly has a high skill ceiling for those interested in mastering it. Imagine R2-D2 in Mark of the Ninja – that's Cobalt.

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Jan 22, 2016

Playing it was a trial for me every time I fired it up – the firehose of outdated pop culture references and toilet humor made me feel like Alex DeLarge undergoing the Ludovico Technique in A Clockwork Orange. Should I ever find myself on stage for a robot game show in the 26th century, I'll opt for lethal injection instead.

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9 / 10.0 - Darkest Dungeon
Jan 21, 2016

Finally, a game gets Lovecraftian horror right.

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Jan 14, 2016

A new and complete version of Dragon's Dogma adds some modern polish to a diamond in the rough.

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Oct 21, 2015

Assault Android Cactus, despite the bold colors and glowing lasers, a very unpretentious game that's mostly about having fun.

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Unscored - Armello
Oct 13, 2015

In any case, Armello is a remarkable achievement. Instead of simply transferring a board game experience to the TV or computer screen, developer League of Geeks has managed to escape the boundaries of the board game format using modern innovation. Arthur C. Clarke suggested that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and in that light, Armello is quite definitely magical.

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Unscored - Armikrog
Oct 6, 2015

So I think of Armikrog as a tragic point-and-click adventure. It's sad because of what it might have been, and because it might have lent itself to further episodes set in Tommynaut's delightfully retro universe. But given the state of the game before us, I can't imagine we'll be visiting it again any time soon.

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Sep 30, 2015

These warts considered, Might & Magic Heroes VII isn't enough of a refinement over VI to justify purchase if you already own that game. It's unfriendly to newcomers to the series, with nothing that qualifies as a tutorial included out of the box. And fans of the old games may find themselves put off by all the unnecessary visual flash. But devoted fans of the series will certainly find lots to do with the latest entry.

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Unscored - Dropsy
Sep 15, 2015

Having played lots of the classic adventure games in the '90s, I find myself now completely bereft of nostalgia for them. Games, I've felt, have generally moved on and found better ways to impart an experience of "adventure." But Dropsy is deftly executed and so full of genuine heart and warmth that it overcame my cold-hearted distaste for the form. It's sweet without ever being saccharine, tells a story that disturbs without ever resorting to cynicism, and ultimately is disarmingly uplifting.

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