Carrick Puckett

3 games reviewed
60.0 average score
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AIPD is a prime example of a good twin-stick shooter. The controls are easy enough to learn that anyone can pick up the game and play it, and the difficulty curve is gradual enough that a beginning player won't feel discouraged.

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6 / 10 - Teslagrad
May 29, 2016

Teslagrad has potential. For a fledgling independent studio's first game, it shows promise. The art is beautiful, and the story compelling and novel in its conveyance, but the level design severely limits enjoyment. One can hope that Rain Games takes what it learned from feedback on its freshman effort and apply it to future games.

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Jun 4, 2016

MagNets: Fully Charged had an good idea, but executed it poorly. Collecting trinkets from continuously respawning enemies until you have enough to get an item required to progress, only to have to do it again to pass another metaphorical broken bridge, makes for a subpar experience. A repetitive electronic soundtrack makes you feel as though no progress is being made as you constantly backtrack to ensure the survival of key buildings. All in all, MagNets: Fully Charged is a frustrating and tedious experience to behold.

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