Samuel Guglielmo
- Final Fantasy IX
- Metro 2033
- Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Samuel Guglielmo's Reviews
Ghost Giant's fun puzzles and lovely story are well worth experiencing for anyone who may have access to PSVR.
Immortal Legacy: The Jade Cipher's clunky controls and iffy late game bosses hold back what is a fun, if weird, VR first person shooter.
Katana Zero's gameplay is genuinely fantastic. It's the perfect choice for someone looking for the next frantic and challenging indie darling.
Heaven's Vault manages to make me look forward to learning a new language, which is something I honestly never thought a game could do.
One Finger Death Punch 2 manages to take a simplistic gameplay system and turn it into one of the most bizarrely addictive score chasers I've ever played.
The titular falcon in Falcon Age is awesome. Sadly, it's also about the only good thing the game has going for it.
Islanders is a deceptively simple puzzle game where you build little cities to score points. More importantly, it's the absolutely perfect game for making beautiful picturesque villages you can fall asleep and dream about.
Take Us Back wraps up Clementine and AJ's story in a satisfying way, developing both characters and making sure the conclusion is worth sticking around for. Getting to finally put Clementine's story to rest is a doozy.
Vignettes' puzzles and charm manage to overcome a few segments that don't work very well.
A fantastic story and presentation makes The World Next Door worth taking a peek at. I just wish the gameplay could hold up as well as those aspects.
Devil May Cry 5's few minor flaws are blasted away by one of the best combat systems this side of gaming. Each fight is a treat, each boss is a challenge, and I loved ever second of it.
Re-Legion has some fantastic ideas, but can't manage to execute any of them in a meaningful way.
Drowning's story starts boring, if relatable, and ends on a note that left me baffled. I don't know what the intent was, but this isn't going anywhere good.
When the Darkness Comes is a surprisingly smart horror game that manages to blend in introspective narrative elements seamlessly.
Anthem's fast-paced shooting gameplay is a ton of fun, but it suffers from long loads, repetitive missions, bad filler, and an iffy story. Still, this is an extremely solid base for more content.
Kingdom Hearts III plays up to the series' strengths, leaving one hell of a closer for fans.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown has a few annoying elements, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's exactly what the series needed for a great comeback.
Broken Toys continues The Walking Dead: The Final Season's interesting story and great character development while serving as a triumphant return for a season thought lost.
Vane's first fifteen minutes are amazing. Then the game plummets in quality faster than a diving bird. Tons of glitches, obtuse puzzle, terrible controls, an awful camera, and stuttering frame rate keep Vane from being worth your time.
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! offers up a wok full of cooking fun. Once you get the controls down you'll be remembering lamb sauce with the best of them.