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Karl Smart

Mooroolbark, VIC, Australia

Favorite Games:
  • Resident Evil 2 Remake
  • World of Warcraft
  • Metal Gear Solid

80 games reviewed
67.1 average score
70 median score
47.5% of games recommended

Karl Smart's Reviews

An Australian with a very open and honest opinion base. Does not pull punches on reviews or anything else. Is not politically correct at all and proud of it. Worked for 10 years as a member of Wild Talk Radio Network as a podcast co-host, moved onto self made Youtube channel and into the realm of gaming reviews. Has made contacts with some of the top developers and publishers in gaming in under a year. Yearly PAX Australia attendee.
Mar 22, 2025

I'd love to say that WWE 2K25 continues the excellence that games like WWE 2K22 and WWE 2K23 were, but that would be lying. WWE 2K25 makes WWE 2K24 look tame with the amount of shit that is locked behind paywalls. With 3 modes dedicated to making you spend extra money to unlock things that should just be… unlockable. The 2K greed is in full force here. But luckily, while other outlets have praised this game by spewing the corpo talking points, we are with the community here; we're not going to take this shit like the NBA 2K community have. Wrestling fans are a hard bunch to win over with these type of bullshit practices, and2K are failing.

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Dec 11, 2024

Marvel Rivals is a game that puts fun first. Playing as one of Marvel's huge and not-so-huge characters is a lot of fun, with stupid things like Rocket Raccoon and Jeff the Shark being fun to play. As I'm a Venom main, I love that I don't need to study a meta guide to jump in and have fun. If Marvel Rivals keeps fun at the core of its gameplay, then it'll be a hit for years to come.

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Rita's Rewind is another failure for the Power Rangers brand. First, the TV show ends with a badly made, under-budget version of something that wasn't liked at all, then the figures have been licensed out to Playmate Toys (This might end up being a good thing with time), all the props and costumes have been sold off at auction, and now the video game that looked to revive the old-school Power Rangers feeling comes out and messed up. No wonder Hasbro is trying to offload everything to do with Power Rangers as they can't get anything right.

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Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered is what I expect a remaster to do. Not only did they make the main games playable with upgraded graphics, but they added so much bonus content that has never been released before that it makes the game worth buying for that bonus content alone. While the gameplay and camera is unfortunately locked into the by-gone age of the PlayStation 1 & 2, Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered is well worth the return from the afterlife.

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Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered is one of those games that came from a different era of games development, where game designers and writers were not afraid to push the boundaries of what was unacceptable by society's standards. Shadows of the Damned remains unchanged, with every moment dripping with sexuality, exploitation, and profanity. People might have a hard time accepting Shadows of the Damned for what it is, but those who do will be surprised by a game that still holds up against modern standards in game design and gameplay.

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Oct 20, 2024

Squirrel with a Gun is one of those games which is a streamer's dream. A lot of references to other media can be found around every corner, there is a challenge in the level design, and the guns are a lot of fun. However, with no objective marker or quest log, you do spend far too much time wandering around looking for fun instead of having fun, some of the level designs become frustrating to have to do the same thing over and over in order to get to a single objective, only to fall off something and have to climb forever all over again.

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Oct 1, 2024

Funko Fusion is much like the Pop Vinyl brand that it represents: A lot of brands on board with a lot of potential for fun to be had with the product, but ultimately most of the time this game will sit on a shelf gathering dust because of cheap production on the product and nothing much to do with it once it is out of the box.

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Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is one of those remasters that offers nothing more than updating the graphics to a more modern level. However, graphics can’t sell games alone. Capcom should have given this game a proper remastering with some new content, or just left it dead and buried.

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Sep 12, 2024

NBA 2K25 is a good game when you can find it. The mechanics are solid, even if you do need to be retrained to understand the changes and play the game in the way it wants you to play. However, NBA 2K25 is so bogged down with microtransaction bullshit that it spoils any goodwill that the game comes to the court with. 2K has shown that they care more about pushing Pro Passes and VC purchases rather than giving gamers value for money.

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World of Warcraft: The War Within gave us a promise of the best story that Chris Metzen has come up with that will draw back all the players who left because of the boredom of Shadowlands and Dragonflight, but ultimately under-delivers on that promise with a short story, a focus on anyone but the player, and changing bad gameplay mechanic names to hide repeated content.

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Jun 2, 2024

Hypercharge: Unboxed is a game that is going to fall under its own greatness. The gameplay is solid and a lot of fun, but there is little left for the game once you have unlocked everything except to play for the sake of it. A lack of DLC plans from the developer/publisher means this great game is going to die under the weight of its own promise.

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Mar 4, 2024

WWE 2K24 is a fun game with some of the best graphics in a wrestling game ever made. However, the game is too bloated with game modes, many of which you are forced to play in order to unlock content you already paid for. 2K Games needs to stop nickel and dimeing players after the fact and refocus on giving players the best experience for their dollar.

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Jan 23, 2024

Tekken 8 is a solid outing for the Unreal 5 engine, using it to improve the already impressive graphics we had with Tekken 7. The gameplay is solid with a lot of modes for you to play for hours on end. However, PC users should be warned that their version may have frame rate issues. If these issues are patched, then Tekken 8 will be the best fighting game on the market.

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Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection is a bare-bones collection featuring the early days of Jurassic Park games. While there are some minimal quality-of-life enhancements added to the overall product, it's the same we expect from all retro collections these days and does nothing to stand out like other offerings have. Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection is good for people who don't have the time or money to track down the consoles and games themselves and just want to play the games on modern hardware.

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Nov 21, 2023

Robocop: Rogue City brings the world of Old Detroit back to life with a slightly populated slum of a city while keeping the soul of the Robocop franchise intact. Placing Robocop: Rogue City between Robocop 2 and Robocop 3 was a risky move that paid off for Teyon. If nothing else, you deserve to give Robocop: Rogue City a try in a world where nothing else from the 1980s seems to be allowed to be revived and enjoyed.

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Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 could have been up there with the best retro collections published in the last few years, however, Konami has shown that all they care about by releasing a quick cash grab with no decent extras or even the best versions of the games included in the collection. Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 is an example of how NOT to treat beloved franchises that could still draw money by the name value alone… I hope Silent Hill isn't next.

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Oct 26, 2023

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a good game, a solid outing for Spider-Man fans. However, there are some issues under the hood of this game that really need to be addressed in patches over time, or just let Insomniac do the Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales 2 that they really want to do instead of pushing them to keep doing Peter Parker Spider-Man stories that they clearly no longer want to do… I hope they make it up to Venom fans with some good DLC.

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Oct 18, 2023

Mortal Kombat 1 brings the idea of a whole new universe into light with an amazing, but really fast-paced, story mode. However, the rest of the game feels like Mortal Kombat as a franchise has stagnated in terms of gameplay with nothing really innovating things outside of the cameo fighter system. Then we have the impending microtransaction additions that you know are coming, and I hate those with a passion.

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Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways should be shown to all developers as to how to do DLC going forward. Not only do we get a great campaign that almost rivals the main game, but it’s done at a cheap/affordable price point. The story of Ada gives us some more questions as to what is going on with the future of the Resident Evil remake franchise while keeping its own story relevant and interesting.

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Sep 19, 2023

NBA 2K24 shows that there is a bigger problem with gaming today. While you can get a good game out there if you decide to make it into a “games as a service” model with the main goal being purchased over skill, the game itself gets lost under an avalanche of hate because of corporate greed. NBA 2K24 is the game that shows this to be true. As a game, NBA 2K24 is the same great game it always is, but the hard push for you to open your wallet hurt the game too much overall… And Michael Jordan is the GOAT.

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