Ben Petchey

2 games reviewed
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Jul 19, 2016

10 Second Ninja X is as unforgiving and unforgiving gets. Its unique 10 second time limit on each level will keep you on your toes and requires your full, undivided attention at all times. And although 10 Second Ninja X may have some issues with its difficulty ramp, overall it’s a beautiful little game that takes the best aspects of other speed-based platformers and, despite the name, can easily take up hours of your time. The game itself isn’t long, but going back to levels and beating your high score adds hours upon hours of replayability.

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5 / 10.0 - ADR1FT
Jul 25, 2016

Overall, ADR1FT has good intentions, but it just fails to execute them phenomenally. Aside from the stunning visual moments — namely moments where you are in the open and can look down at the Earth as it is lit up at night, ADR1FT is a tedious experience that should have been just a 2 hour ordeal. The game's lack of urgency — other than the constant cycle of oxygen tank-grabbing, makes it incredibly hard to believe that my character is struggling to survive at all.

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