Borislav Lalovic
The frustrating chain of trial and error will bring about a swift choice to give up on this strange platformer, more so because the game suffers from a serious case of incompleteness, reflected in multiple glitches and falls through the textures. Add to that sometimes unpredictable command behavior and we get a complete package, ready to be avoided while we dedicate our time to something else.
Something that everyone should try, especially if you're an admirer of fighting games, but not much more than that. This is not a game you'll tell stories about for a long time, so spend a few hours on it, and elegantly forget about it after you're done. The sea of "just above average" is huge and Mother Russia is just about drowning in it.
Legion is a complete success and only now we see that WoD actually made sense even if some players didn’t like it in the end. WoD was a prologue for the incoming invasion and now it’s up to heroes of Azeroth to organize and save the world from destruction yet again. For Azeroth!
If you are looking for a gorgeous game, with gameplay balanced for both casual and competitive play, look no further than Overwatch. Blizzard has succeeded with its foray into the FPS genre, creating another gem we'll play for many years to come.