Ben Ward
Lincoln, UK
Favorite Games:
- Metal Gear Solid
- Final Fantasy VII
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
61 games reviewed
82.2 average score
85 median score
80.3% of games recommended
Ben Ward's Reviews
Ben. I do the writings about the video games for NGB.
May 1, 2014
Child of Light is a game that's worth of a spot in anyone's collection. With the PlayStation versions being cross-buy, it's difficult not to recommend it. In the video review, I mention that it's £16, and this was an early price for the deluxe edition online. If you download it from the store, it's £12, and that's a fantastic price for what is a beautiful game. If you're willing to forgive the slightly irritating rhyming structure to the narrative and just get on with exploring the gorgeous environments, you won't go far wrong with Child of Light.