Farah Rishi

3 games reviewed
70.7 average score
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65 / 100 - Beglitched
Oct 7, 2016

Beglitched starts the cyberpink revolution

80 / 100 - Starbound
Sep 2, 2016

Starbound likes to subvert expectations at every turn. With another player in co-op, Starbound’s combat moves firmly in the direction of ridiculousness, especially as you’re barking orders at each other about the need to avoid, of all things, damned penguins driving huge tanks, as if it were a weird game of Pretend.

67 / 100 - Bound
Aug 26, 2016

Despite all its flaws, Bound is undoubtedly a celebration of the female form, both physically and spiritually. And, for that, it could be said to be a game better viewed as one to experience rather than to play, and the fact that it tries to encompass so many deep psychological metaphors in the videogame format is an ambition worth praising.