Hannah Shaw-Williams
While it may not be the most groundbreaking release of the year, Firewatch does mark another tentative step forward in exploring video game experiences beyond established genres like shooting and racing.
'Far Cry 4' doesn't change up the gameplay from 'Far Cry 3,' but it does present a fascinating new world full of places to explore and stories to uncover.
'The Evil Within' has some rich and interesting imagery, but its story and gameplay are disappointingly derivative.
Clementine's group is pushed to breaking point in 'The Walking Dead' season 2 finale, 'No Going Back.' (Spoilers in this review)
[Q]uite a lot of 'Amid the Ruins' feels like a breather from the series' relentless onslaught of unhappiness.
'In Harm's Way' is probably the worst episode of Telltale's The Walking Dead so far, but in light of the game's consistent high quality that doesn't make it bad. Purely in terms of writing it remains head and shoulders above most other games currently being released. More than any other episode so far however, 'In Harm's Way' felt like reading one of The Walking Dead comics or watching the TV show, and this sense of detachment from the narrative hits at the heart of the game's strongest quality. Let's hope that the next episode has a little more audience participation.
While some critics have bemoaned the limited interactivity in The Walking Dead, Telltale should be applauded for creating a story that simply would not work as well as it does in any medium other than a video game. It's only once you're handed control of a character that you can fully appreciate just how little control they have.
Though this might seem incongruous with the rest of the review, Thief is definitely a game that's worth playing. It gets a recommendation, despite the final score and its many, many, many flaws, because the stealth gameplay really is great, and with pure stealth games becoming such a rarity it's gratifying to find a game that really brings the art of thieving to life.
The Banner Saga will find its fans in gamers who love ploughing through fantasy novels, and in those who just love a good strategy RPG.
For those who played and enjoyed season of The Walking Dead, this is assuredly a must-buy. For those who haven't: clear your gaming schedule and get around to it as soon as possible.