Justin Oneil

Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid Franchise
  • The Last of Us
  • God of War

570 games reviewed
75.6 average score
75 median score
48.8% of games recommended

Justin Oneil's Reviews

One of Head Writers and PR here on ThisGenGaming.com. I've been playing games for over 20 years now and play everything from AAA blockbusters to Indie games. You can find me on all the current consoles and on my twitter account.
6.5 / 10.0 - Ace Banana
Oct 23, 2016

If you're looking for a fun, colorful family shooter than Ace Banana will be for you. The shooting feels good even though the Move controllers can sometimes not work right. Thanks to the varied enemies the game doesn't get boring although I do think the price is high for the amount of content that you get. If you can get past that and a couple other faults however than by all means become a banana archer and shoot some monkeys.

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7 / 10.0 - Pixel Gear (VR)
Oct 23, 2016

Oasis Games has crafted a pretty good wave based shooter in Pixel Gear and set it a nice affordable price. The game isn’t really long and doesn’t have any replay value outside of some higher difficulties. What is here though is fun for the few hours that it lasts and since there aren’t a lot of other shooters on the platform yet and it’s cheap I recommend it if you’re interested in some mindless shooting fun.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Thumper
Oct 21, 2016

Out of the entire PlayStation VR launch lineup I’d have to say Thumper is one of the must plays. It’s certainly one of the best music rhythm games I’ve played in years and the best “rhythm violence” game. Playing in PlayStation VR is the best way to experience this game as the sense of speed and being in that visual showcase surrounded by thumping audio is made all the better by it. The fact that it offers plenty of challenge to incentivize return runs is one of the best parts about it and I know I’ll be playing it to improve my scores for quite some time.

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6 / 10.0 - Nebulous
Oct 19, 2016

For this kind of puzzle game Nebulous is sufficient enough but just one I can’t recommend for the price point it’s at. It’s not a long game and if you’re like me you may grow bored of it long before you even finish the small amount of levels here. It’s got great writing and rewards experimentation but everything else about the game is just kind of bland. If you like puzzle games and catch it on sale one day I’d say give it a shot but for $15 I’d say to avoid it for now.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Shu
Oct 19, 2016

Like I said in the opener Shu is yet another platformer that does enough different to capture my interest. I’m so thankful to the indie game space for still creating unique new platforming experiences like Shu. Its got its own unique gameplay elements and the art style is gorgeous and fun to look at. I was only disappointed when the game came to an end as it isn’t very long. Hopefully Coatsink will do more with Shu in the future as it’s absolutely something I’d love to see more of. For any fan of platformers however you can’t do much better than Shu this year.

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8 / 10.0 - Driveclub VR
Oct 16, 2016

There is no doubt in my mind that racing games can be one of the genres to benefit the most from virtual reality. Driveclub VR has shown me that racing will never be the same again unless I actually feel like I’m in that car. It nails that sense of immersion for sure. It has it’s issues especially in the graphics department but if you can look past that you’ll experience a racing game unlike any other.

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8 / 10.0 - Aragami
Oct 4, 2016

"After finishing Aragami I will say I was satisfied with my experience. Despite the performance issues the game offers a great stealth experience and reminded me a lot of the old Tenchu games I loved. The game offers a lot in my opinion for the asking price giving you a lengthy campaign and encouraging you to play it over to get better scores or play with a friend in the online co-op. If you’re a fan of stealth games Aragami is one of the best ones you can buy right now."

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8.5 / 10.0 - The Bunker
Sep 20, 2016

Overall though I found The Bunker very entertaining despite it’s brief lasting time. It tells a well thought out and well acted story that will have you guessing and trying to figure it out until it ends. I really hope to see more FMV games like this one in the future as it’s a unique gaming experience unlike most others. Sit down, turn the lights off, and enjoy you’re stay in The Bunker.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Final Station
Sep 9, 2016

By the end of this train ride I enjoyed my ride with it as it presents an interesting tale along with tense gameplay. I enjoyed searching through the different locations and trying to keep my survivors alive even though I didn’t always succeed. The controls could have been better as could the ending. I also feel like the game is a little high in price for the short run time and really the lack of replayability. As it stands though this is a train worth boarding if you want to experience an interesting post apocalyptic tale.

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7 / 10.0 - Binaries
Sep 4, 2016

Overall while I enjoyed my time with Binaries it really just proved to be too frustrating to have to control both balls at the same time. Yes the game is beatable for me which is more than I can say for other games such as Super Meat Boy but getting the S rank seems just as hard as those other games. I really think much like those other brutally tough games that Binaries isn’t for everyone. If you are a fan of hard puzzle/platformers or just want to try something a little bit different I do recommend picking it up.

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Aug 31, 2016

Overall for this being my first time playing a game in this franchise I felt the game was a pretty solid offering. It was pretty easy for me to pick up and play but it has that depth the more hardcore fighting game fan may be looking for. I prefer 1v1 fighting games but the 3v3 didn’t bother me too much and it works well with the huge roster on display here. I’m also not a big online player in fighting games so I wish there was more single player content as the story mode isn’t very long. I don’t think this is the king of fighters but I do think The King of Fighters XIV is worth checking out.

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8 / 10.0 - No Man's Sky
Aug 29, 2016

While it doesn’t quite live up to some people’s expectations No Man’s Sky is still a great game and some of the things it does are truly a great achievement.

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8 / 10.0 - Alone With You
Aug 24, 2016

While the game is a lot of pointing and clicking the tale that Alone With You tells is absolutely worth experiencing. It was an emotional tale for me and one that left me really pondering some of my choices. I'm looking forward to heading back to the colony to see how making some different choices may alter the outcome. Fans of anything sci-fi and strong narrative driven games shouldn't miss this one.

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9 / 10.0 - Inversus
Aug 17, 2016

Inversus is absolutely for you if you love score chasing, addicting games or if you have local friends to play with. I’m glad it has online multiplayer even though it may be hard to find players on it. I wish the single player mode was a bit longer but other than that the game is great. For such a simple looking game it really surprised me with how fun it turned out to be.

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9 / 10.0 - Brut@l
Aug 6, 2016

Brut@l is one of my favorite dungeon crawling games that I’ve played in a very long time. The visual style of the game is striking and beautiful, the combat is smooth and fluid, and the game has tons of replay value both with it’s level editor and the randomly generated dungeons. If you like trophies the game has a full set including a Platinum to go after as well. The altars in the game feel a little unfair and I wish you could have more than one level created and shared at a time but those are minor nitpicks in this great game. Brut@l is for you if you’re seeking a unique challenging new dungeon crawler.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Lifeless Planet
Aug 1, 2016

If you're looking for a enjoyable exploration game on a distant planet then you may want to check this one out. The story is very interesting and the planet is fun to explore even if the controls don't always do what you want them to. However the price tag is kind of high for something you can finish in a few hours and if you want something with more action than you better avoid this as action is not what Lifeless Planet: Premier Edition is about. If none of that bothers you than by all means come explore this Lifeless Planet.

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Jul 30, 2016

I really enjoyed my time with Dex for the most part as it scratched that cyberpunk itch that we just don’t see enough of in games. The game is meaty and is not short on content by any means. The quests in particular the side quests were very interesting unlike a lot of other games. I wish the voice acting of pretty much everyone in the game outside of Dex was better and that the combat was a little more fun. If you’re looking for an interesting cyberpunk world to explore and a game that will last you awhile give Dex a look.

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Jul 28, 2016

Riptide GP: Renegade is a major improvement from Vector Units last game and shows the developer is learning and trying to build a better game. The game has plenty of content with a good length career mode, local multiplayer, online multiplayer, and lots of things to unlock. If they can improve some of the things like animations and get rid of the annoying things from the career mode they could have something truly special. If you’ve been wanting a fun new wave racing game you need to check out Riptide GP: Renegade.

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Jul 22, 2016

Overall if you are looking for something original and funny I can’t recommend The Magic Circle: Gold Edition enough. Getting to play through a story about a game in development hell is unique and unlike anything else out there right now. The voice acting is done well and being able to change the properties of the creatures and things in the game is pretty fun too. It has some issues but if you can look past those minor flaws you’ll find a great experience here.

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Jul 17, 2016

Super Mutant Alien Assault is fun and challenging so if you’re in the mood to blast aliens with lots of different weapons and abilities check this one out. The game is rather inexpensive and it can be fun with a friend. I recommend it.

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