Justin Oneil

Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid Franchise
  • The Last of Us
  • God of War

570 games reviewed
75.6 average score
75 median score
48.8% of games recommended

Justin Oneil's Reviews

One of Head Writers and PR here on ThisGenGaming.com. I've been playing games for over 20 years now and play everything from AAA blockbusters to Indie games. You can find me on all the current consoles and on my twitter account.
Jan 19, 2017

There are some good RTS games on current gen consoles and some bad ones but Siegecraft Commander falls somewhere in between. It does some things really well but things like the wonky aiming controls hold it back from being great.

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Jan 19, 2017

2064: Read Only Memories is a game I had my eye on for quite some time and I’m happy that it delivered in the end. I liked how I was able to just sit back and enjoy this wonderful trip into a futuristic San Francisco without having to grow frustrated or get stuck. The story and interesting cast of characters kept me hooked all the way through and the visuals and sound design did nothing but make the experience that much better.

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Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone I have to say is absolutely worth the price of admission. The 200+ song list is just a crazy amount of content and there are tons of customization options to unlock along the way. Yes there aren’t any goals set out in the game leaving it up to the player to set them themselves. For any hardcore Miku fan I think this game is a must have and if you have been interested in the series but never jumped in yet this is probably the best entry point.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Little Acre
Dec 14, 2016

The Little Acre is a charming and beautiful point and click adventure game that is perfect for older gamers like me and those with kids as well.

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9 / 10.0 - Lara Croft Go
Dec 12, 2016

Square Enix Montreal continues to do an excellent job of translating their mobile GO games to console. Lara Croft GO has even better gameplay than Hitman GO did and it’s jam packed with content thanks to the PlayStation exclusive expansion. Lara Croft GO takes some of the best things about the Tomb Raider franchise and turns it into a great puzzle game worthy of anyone’s time.

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8.5 / 10.0 - How We Soar (VR)
Dec 9, 2016

I can say that Penny Black Studios has crafted a beautiful, relaxing PlayStation VR experience in How We Soar. The game is built on an interesting idea that is relaxing under every layer that you unfold. Controls, gameplay, art style, and soundtrack all come together to form one of my favorite PlayStation VR games to date.

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By the end of the game I was glad I got to experience Demetrios: The Big Cynical Adventure. It’s a fun point-and-click adventure game full of humor.

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Dec 2, 2016

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition is an example of a remaster done right. It’s priced right, offers some meaningful technical improvements.

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8 / 10.0 - Mekazoo
Dec 2, 2016

Whether alone or with a friend, getting to play as these five different animals in these vibrant worlds complimented by a fantastic soundtrack is different enough to warrant a purchase. Hopefully this is just the beginning of great things to come from the Good Mood Creators.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Super Dungeon Bros
Nov 26, 2016

It really seemed like Super Dungeon Bros was going to turn out well but it just wasn't to be. While patches could fix some of the technical issues such as the long loads or the bugs and glitches they probably won't fix the overly boring and simple gameplay. The fact that it's too difficult to play solo and the lack of an online community is going to hurt it as well. If you want a fun co-op romp for you and your friends then you are better off not introducing your bros to the Super Dungeon Bros.

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9 / 10.0 - Tethered (VR)
Nov 26, 2016

Secret Sorcery has crafted a magical adventure in Tethered that is an absolute must play if you have a PlayStation VR.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Manual Samuel
Nov 24, 2016

The narrative and characters here are some of the funniest of any recent game I’ve played and the challenge of having to perform all of these normal day to day routines in a new and innovative way was fun as well. If you’ve played and enjoyed other games with challenging and different control schemes such as Octodad or others then you will feel right at home playing Manual Samuel.

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Nov 20, 2016

Robinson: The Journey is absolutely a journey worth going on if you have a PlayStation VR. It’s one of if not the best looking games on the platform right now as well as one of the lengthiest.

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Nov 13, 2016

If you have friends or family to play this with it is a must buy for the PlayStation VR.

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Nov 9, 2016

Small Radios Big Televisions is a different kind of experience for sure and it isn't for everyone. If you like adventure games with challenge this isn't for you and if you like games with clear stories this isn't for you either. If you want a point-and-click adventure game that is easy to get through with a wonderful, soothing soundtrack than you should give Small Radios Big Televisions a shot.

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7.5 / 10.0 - SportsBarVR
Nov 9, 2016

Social VR is something I was really excited about leading up to the PlayStation VR launch and after playing SportsBar VR It’s easy to see why. Just being in the same virtual environment with other players and able to play things, chat, and just goof off makes this one of the most fun VR experiences on the platform right now. It has it’s issues as it can get old after awhile and the others games besides pool aren’t as fun. The technical issues and random disconnects hurt it a bit for me but with more free content updates coming in the future I’m excited to come back to this bar again.

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Nov 4, 2016

Loading Human Chapter 1 is a good first try at the adventure genre in VR for Untold Games. I enjoyed the sci fi story presented here and the characters are well thought out. Interacting with all the different objects in the game and some of the puzzles are fun too. The game needs more variety and if you aren’t into slower paced games you may want to pass on this. The price also makes it hard to recommend it but if you catch it on sale it’s well worth it. I do hope Untold Games can make the next chapter and improve on what they have here as I’d like to see what is next for these characters.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Job Simulator (VR)
Oct 29, 2016

When I was finished with Job Simulator I was fully satisfied with my experience. It’s one of the best games on PlayStation VR right now. While I was sad to see it end I loved every second of it and never was bored. It’s easily one of the more funnier games I’ve played as well. Owlchemy Labs is onto something special early in the PlayStation VR lifecycle and I’m excited to see how they can take this and build upon it.

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Oct 28, 2016

If you haven’t played any of the Lego Harry Potter games before then I’d recommend picking this up at some point. If you have played them then I personally don’t think you need to return to Lego Hogwarts. I don’t feel that it’s worth the current asking price but maybe you will and you do get a good amount of content in the package. I just feel like more could have been done to improve this collection when other HD remasters have set the bar higher.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Mantis Burn Racing
Oct 26, 2016

So in conclusion has VooFoo built a good top down racing game that stands above most of the recent competition? Yes they have as Mantis Burn Racing looks good, controls good, and has a pretty good amount of content. It needs some more track variety and the load times really dampen the rest of the experience but this is one well built racer outside of that.

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