Matt Dolby
Overall, Jurassic World Evolution really excels in some places but gets wrapped up in trying to replicate movie-type arcs.
I think these questions are invaluable to ask yourself after you finish the game because there isn’t a correct answer. These are the same questions hackers in the real world deal with daily, how far is too far to do something for the greater good? Mainlining may not be the most unique game play experience you will play all year but it certainly brings up questions and ideas that you will be playing out in your head long after the last suspect is caught.
A solid collection of games that offer minimal improvements that struggle to justify their repurchase.
In the end, this makes World of Final Fantasy worth playing for fans of the series. The flaws can be annoying, but in the broader scope of the story, characters, and setting, it doesn’t detract enough to disappoint.