Brandon Perkins
Sadly, not even quality world-building and a solid soundtrack can save this one. It tries to tell a semi-serious story about what a world of wizards and witches would actually look like, except the world is shows is as wooden as its frequent excursions into the woods.
Obviously, if visual novels aren’t your thing then you won’t really care.
if you’re looking for an entry point into this series, this isn’t it (especially if you hate grinding). But if you’re a fan of the series like me? You’ll still find much to enjoy. Exploding Prinnies never gets old.
Playing this new, remastered version of Mass Effect brought back so many memories and feelings from a by-gone era, and the fact that people half my age can now experience this epic at the same age I originally did? That’s a very special feeling.
This game is really more than the sum of its parts. The overall experience, from the character development, the devastating and mind-reeling revelations that plot throws at you, and even the new bits of content specially made for this game make it worthwhile.
A game that is dark, funny, hopeful, depressing, nihilistic, anti-nihilistic, and yet so sincerely earnest that it almost brings a tear to my eyes.
Everyone is in this together. Even when other people can’t realize it. That’s what makes Death Stranding so special.
Everything else, however, is of the quality you would expect of a Mass Effect game. The writing and characters are amazing. The combat is extremely enjoyable, the graphics are gorgeous, and the plot is gripping.