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Matt Hewson


102 games reviewed
71.6% of games recommended

Matt Hewson's Reviews

Dad, Gamer, Writer, Husband all rolled into one big ball of random matter. Matt is's fearless leader and a games writer of 11 years. Having previously written for multiple publications, both print and online, Matt has taken on the challenge of creating his own space on the world wide web and thus Player 2 was born.
Dec 13, 2016

The game boasts impressively complex and detailed bowling and batting systems that wonderfully replicate the intricacies of the real life sport. What is even more impressive is it does all that while still remaining approachable and enjoyable to play. The game is not perfect by a long way but what it gets right pushes Don Bradman 17 to the head of the virtual cricketing pack.

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Unscored - Dead Rising 4
Dec 4, 2016

The game has a wonderfully insane vibe that grabs players and doesn't let go until the credits roll. If you are looking for a good bit of carnage that is a little on the offbeat side of things then Dead Rising 4 should be on your wishlist

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