Kasra Karimi Asl

14 games reviewed
78.6 average score
83 median score
64.3% of games recommended
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Feb 23, 2019

Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Video Game is in the middle of the pack of Milestone S.r.l games. It's not fun or amazing or even disappointing. It might actually be unique for players who aren't into this genre though technical issues, lack of variety and risk stops this from being an incredible game

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9 / 10.0 - Onrush
Jul 8, 2018

After my time with On Rush, I got over Evolution Studio's closure in a heart beat. On Rush is the first collaboration between two racing giants that shows its deep heritage and creates a new formula for itself. All in a, it's the perfect package of what an arcade racing game should be.

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7 / 10.0 - Sea of Thieves
Apr 6, 2018

Sea of Thieves is an ideal base and if the flaws get fixed, it can be one of the most exhilarating games out there. But right now despite its efforts in creating memorable moments, the game never peaks and its flaws are like a speed bump in Rare's goal: player enjoyment

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Mar 31, 2018

Attack on Titan 2 is a pleasant and acceptable game, even for those who haven't been aware of this story arc. It's a game that its developers' experience along with a good design, have turned it into one of the best and closest adaptations of the anime world

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Oct 28, 2017

Brandon Sanderson has an interesting quote after setting a couple of rules in writing fantasy that says “Don't let rules limit your fantasies”. Monolith does that. They take a new approach towards Tolkien's lore and expand on their already successful formula to create on of the best games of 2017. Though the final value can be thwarted due to low difficulty level and microtransactions.

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6.5 / 10.0 - The Escapists 2
Aug 29, 2017

The Escapists 2 is still disturbed and chaotic, it blackmails thyself by benefiting the players as far as possible and violates itself at the core, though it has many improvements compared to the first title thus, offering an enhanced experience. So if you're a fan of the series and love the concept of escaping a prison, do not miss The Escapists 2.

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Aug 19, 2017

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is easily one of the best games in the recent years in terms of creating deceptive spaces and offering new experiences. Ninja Theory has proved once again that with enough time and budget, even ideas that aren't even originally from the developers themselves, can become games beyond our expectations.

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10 / 10.0 - Persona 5
Apr 30, 2017

Persona 5 is a complete package of what a masterpiece has got to have. But it's biggest achievement is not in its flawless gameply or world building but its reflection of reality and that it's an experience within our own lives which puts it on a whole another level.

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9.5 / 10.0 - The Last Guardian
Dec 18, 2016

Imagaining that a game like this was cancelled is utterly painful and bothersome. We must greet sony for crediting such brilliant idea and for inspiring Ueda and his team to finally finish The Last Guardian. The game which was planned to be released in the 7th generation is now one of the most amazing results in the 8th generation.

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9 / 10.0 - 140
Oct 26, 2016

For a small project created thanks to Unity in developer's spare time, 140 is unrivaled. The production and level design is miles ahead of similar games in this genre and it's highly likely that we'll see it's impact on future games

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5 / 10.0 - Mafia 3
Oct 14, 2016

franchise from the hands of its original developer and then gave it to a rookie studio with only 22 months to complete, is The result of wrong policies and not listening to the complaints of the fans is something like Mafia 3, an unpleasant and incomplete game with the only purpose of filling its creators pockets with money and wasting our precious tim

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5.5 / 10.0 - Lifeless Planet
Sep 11, 2016

Even with all problems we mentioned, Lifeless Planet is a great achievement for its one-person-team, which, despite its technical problems and being monotony, should not be missed by the fans of the science fiction genre.

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8.5 / 10.0 - No Man's Sky
Aug 19, 2016

No Mans Sky در مقام یک بازی بی‌شک بی‌عیب و نقص نیست، مثل هر بازی دیگری یک تاریخ مصرف دارد اما قدرتش در تجربه‌ای است که به شما می‌دهد، به نظرم با آن باید همچون یک موجود زنده برخورد شود، موجودی سرشار از ابعاد مختلف که فراتر از هر چیزی درون خود یک روح بزرگ دارد، قرار نیست مثل یک ماشین آخرین مدل به شما سواری بدهد یا حتی مثل برخی گونه های پست تر صرفا توهم سواری را در شما ایجاد کند. بزرگترین دستاورد بازی این حقیقت است که حتی بدون داستان نیز می توان با خلق یک جهان کاملا زنده و پویا مخاطب را در خود غرق کرد تا بی هیچ چهارچوبی به دنبال علایقش باشد. روزی کارگردان بازی در وصف اثرش گفته یود که بازی این رویای کودکی همه ماست، و ما نیز در نهایت می‌توانیم بگوییم No Man’s Sky ثابت می‌کند که مدیوم گیم بسیار بهتر و تاثیرگذار تر از هر مدیوم دیگری حتی سینما می تواند مخاطب را به مصاف تجربیات غیرممکن و غیرقابل وصف ببرد.

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May 16, 2016

Here's the problem: I really like ice cream, but maybe a scoop or two, at most 4! Certainly not a whole carton! What I mean is when you repeat something that's good, no matter how good it may be in the end, it'll lose its charm and though all in all Uncharted 4 gives new elements in an exciting story, it loses its grip and turns the experience to something normal (compared to previous entries).

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