Devin Tyus
- Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- World of Warcraft
- Destiny
Devin Tyus's Reviews
Tango Fiesta is a sly top down twin stick shooter that places you in every single 80’s action flick all rolled into one. It’s greatest strength lies it’s absolutely absurd and hilarious story. If you are familiar with any of the action flicks of the 80’s then you will be right at home and chuckling away at the silly dialog and main character John Strong who looks Bruce Willis as John McClain in die Hard.
Watch_Dogs 2 is what happens when a developer takes feedback, criticism, and all the great parts of its first try, then flips it and turns it into something just short of a masterpiece.
Unfortunately this is a video game and when the game is almost unplayable nothing can save it.
While it can be downright frustrating at times, it is very rewarding when you finally get past that difficult section.