Darrus Myles

6 games reviewed
73.3 average score
80 median score
66.7% of games recommended
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8 / 10 - SmuggleCraft
May 26, 2017

SmuggleCraft is an exciting racer that pretty much does everything a good racer should. My one and only complaint I have for this game is that it is slightly repetitive if played too often within a short amount of time. Otherwise, I can easily recommend this game to those looking for good multiplayer fun in a racing experience.

7 / 10 - Snake Pass
Apr 25, 2017

Snake Pass is an extraordinarily fun experience that is reminiscent of classic platformers from the past, but still fresh and unique to play through, especially for those with a hankering for physics puzzles.

Waking the Glares is a game with a highly interesting lore premise brought down by an incredibly murky pacing and a repetitive objective flow that ultimately overshadows everything good the game has to offer.

9 / 10 - NeuroVoider
Mar 24, 2017

NeuroVoider is a very strong example of an older genre being brought back to life with modern game techniques. Gameplay is filled to the brim with heavy choices through RPG elements and player reflexes, making every action exciting to behold. While repetition is sure to set in eventually due to the game's procedual nature, the amount of content available through level layouts and loot choices make such an event a long way off.

Atelier Sophie's highly addictive game-play through its alchemy systems help mitigate the blow the game takes from its ultimately underwhelming storyline, especially for a JRPG. Nevertheless, Atelier Sophie is an enjoyable game for those looking for a JRPG with a focus more on crafting rather than story-line or combat.

Feb 27, 2017

In short, Leaving Lyndow is a magnificent example of interactive storytelling that keeps you enthralled in the storyline until it's rapid conclusion.