DVS Gaming's Reviews
Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker is hands down the best expansion of the game to date, and one of the best expansions of all time. While the queue times to get in are atrocious and the crashes due to overloaded servers make the game difficult to play, the developers are caring enough to compensate players with free time to make up for the issues. The game is beautiful, the new dungeons are brutally fun, and the overall story arc is amazing. For those looking for a new MMO you can not go wrong with Final Fantasy 14 which is currently and arguably the best MMORPG out at this point in time.
While the game does feel like almost a copy and paste, it was a good remake to revisit for the nostalgia. Though the roster could have done with a few changes the game still allows players to revisit the same challenges as before. It would have been nice to see a few new bells and whistles to spice up the game but overall it’s a great classic to relax and relive. ILCA did a fantastic job remodeling one of the most popular entries in the franchise and brought back Sinnoh in a touching reunion.
Despite its small setbacks with presentation and camera issues, Angry Alligator is a huge surprise on the indie front. For a game where you’re devouring prey and using ridiculous power-ups, it’s got a good deal of replayability, and it’s good fun. Even the kids will enjoy it, a game where, of course, you devour anything. (We’re normal, we swear.)
Halo Infinite is a successful launch and made a huge comeback despite the negativity. It is one of the best first-player shooters I have played this year and really built upon what the franchise has to offer. Despite some issues and poor level design I overall am extremely enjoying the game and I can’t wait for the campaign to release.
While the game is not as competitive as the legendary AOE 2, it is still a great entry to the series. While the game felt safe and lacking in some areas, it offers a great campaign mode and coop experience. Age of Empires IV is a more relaxed and modern version that provides players a relaxing escape and a good starting point for the series.
Again, if you go into Project Vileaf expecting a life-changing game experience, um, you won’t get it. It’s lacking in long-term features to keep you hanging for too long. However, it’s got a pretty fun presentation, backed by gameplay that will keep you coming back for more. It could’ve used some better balancing with enemies in some places, along with possible multiplayer, but overall, we’re just Smurfed that the game ended up being more positive than expected.
Panorama Cotton is an acquired taste. It’s a 3D shooter from the 90s and, these days, that can find very little appeal, especially amongst those looking for something far more advanced. However, for the old-school crowd – or those that are wondering about the game since they likely never got it before – it’s a tremendous value. The shooting is great for the most part; and the presentation, despite being dated, is top-notch. The extras are minimal but effective, and the whole thing makes for a nice addition to the Cotton lexicon. Panorama definitely deserves a good look.
While Guardians of the Galaxy was by no means perfect, it is one of the best superhero action-adventure games I have ever played. The soundtrack was amazing filled with classic rock hits that motivate combat and immerse players into the story. The upgrade system was great aside from the fact it was a bit basic. I loved the team chemistry and felt that this game was a fantastic comic book adaption. There were a few bugs, but nothing that kills the game like a lot of Ubisoft titles. While combat could have had a bit more spice, this game shows that linear games are just as powerful as open-world titles. If anything, I commend what Square did by making a superhero game that had no open qualities whatsoever.
Going into Retro Highway expecting an intricate game experience isn’t the smartest thing you can do, because it’s built on basic arcade racing principles. With that said, it’s a lot of fun considering the price tag, with its simple controls to grasp, a great presentation (on old-school terms), and just the right amount of content. This is something you can easily pop in for a few rounds if you need a break from your AAA racing, and it could keep you longer depending on who you’re competing with.
Despite the awkward character interactions and development, House of Ashes is the best in the Anthology and the best since the game that started it all. The game gave a feeling of confidence from the developers and felt that it flowed harmoniously to the end. There was no feeling of the story being rushed, and so much content to discover to find the truth. The ending of the game also gave a sense of unknowing what could be out there rather than making it feel like it’s all in our heads. This entry is worth picking up and playing through and shows that there is no roadblock in what Supermassive and Bandai are trying to do.
Far Cry 6 was a great entry to the series, and, honestly, it is what the franchise needed after the last two releases. Though the game can be buggy and has some issues with game design, the story and overall gameplay are refreshing. This game was some of the most fun I have had since 3 and I can’t get enough of the exploration and side quests. Far Cry has never been better to play and I recommend it for every FPS Action Adventure lovers out there.
Despite the silence and the lack of story mode (it would’ve been great for Ren and Stimpy to have a grudge against Patrick), Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is a thoughtful, beat-em-up, well put together game by the developers. Its’ gameplay is fun and easy to adapt to and its’ visuals look quite good considering the product at hand. The possibilities with the loaded cast are excellent, with even more waiting in the wings to join the fray. It won’t replace Smash as your favorite anytime soon, but it does make for a curious – and jam-packed – addition to your brawler collection. What we need are Rocko characters in here and, maybe, Danger Mouse for some nostalgia. Please?
Overall the game is a great experience providing excellent game modes and strong performance. The card system added a unique element to the genre, and the gameplay was very well designed. Back 4 Blood is a perfect successor for Left 4 Dead with old ideas mixed with new innovation.
Overall, the game is fantastic. It works well on GamePass and the cloud gaming option for phones. The job system is greatly designed paired with a strong combat system and beautiful design. While the voice acting and difficulty jump take a bit away from the game, it’s definitely a great pick for turn-based JRPG fans who love the classics.
The game would have been great, but poor acting and performance ultimately killed it. For a game with so much potential, it delivered poorly. I did overall enjoy playing it due to the great gameplay and beautiful design, but, unfortunately, pretty graphics and gameplay won’t save a game that feels unplayable from glitches and bugs.
Deathloop offers unique gameplay and a whole new experience for action-adventure genre lovers. I haven’t seen so much innovation in a game in a while, and I loved every second of playing. While some issues definitely need addressing, overall I still think the game will be a candidate for game of the year and will set new standards for development concepts.
Ultra Age isn’t a flawless classic by any means. But Next Stage has created a surprisingly enjoyable hack-and-slasher, thanks to a weapons system that continues to evolve and some exciting action. It also doesn’t look bad either, though the voice acting isn’t entirely up to snuff. Sure, it could’ve been better, but this sword is still plenty sharp. And that’s good news for a game that some might have feared would show its…age?
While Cotton Reboot! may not make much sense for those that aren’t appreciative of shoot-em-ups, it’s a good blast from the past when it comes to revisiting the series. The new Arrange mode is awesome and really shows off some great detail; the bonus goodies are worth unlocking; and the presentation is pretty cool for a game of this type. Even if you’ve never heard of Cotton before, you owe it to yourself to give it a look. Who knows, she just might win you over. Or maybe Silk will. Or maybe they both will…?
Life of Strange: True Colors was probably the best of the entries. The game only suffered from being tied to two locations with smaller exploration options, but overall provided the best storytelling and new side content of the series. I would have liked to see more side quests and collectibles, but overall Alex Chen is the most relatable character and has the strongest story of all the previous characters in the franchise.
The game provides a great mix-up of Xenomorph and Working Joe types but leaves you feeling overwhelmed at times making strategy and setup crucial depending on the difficulty. I do wish there was more healing aside from holding 1 health pack since your team setup may not consist of any support class. It does seem like levels are stuffed with endless ammo but little to no recovery. Other than those few issues the game is a fantastic entry to the Alien Franchise and fans or coop shooters or Alien alone will love the game.