Liam McGinn

4 games reviewed
71.3 average score
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8 / 10 - Outlast II
May 7, 2017

Outlast II is a very good game.

6 / 10 - Asura
Apr 18, 2017

Overall, Asura is pretty good outside of my bias towards the game. It still deserves praise for what it is: a great story that has engaging gameplay. There is some replay value with this game, but I'd say it's more up to the individual if they want to run through the game again. I applaud people who subject themselves to something like this; completing this game is not an easy task.

Apr 11, 2017

I really liked this game starting off, but it lost its luster once the functions started getting hard. Ultimately, if you are interested in programming and want to learn, this game will help you get in the right mindset of what mentality is needed: a focused mind with attention to detail.

9 / 10 - Rain World
Mar 31, 2017

Rain World is an incredible adventure and rewards persistence while being an extremely aesthetically pleasing game. Paying homage to older games with its design, it still feels like its own entity. To me, this is nostalgia done right.