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David Silbert

Bedford, MA
x bigbusiness x

Favorite Games:
  • Final Fantasy XII
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Final Fantasy X

41 games reviewed
80.1 average score
80 median score
70.7% of games recommended

David Silbert's Reviews

David is a Boston-based storyteller who loves playing games almost as much as he does writing about them. Follow him on Twitter @David_Silbert.
Sep 18, 2019

Charming is certainly the word I'd use to describe Trover Saves the Universe. In spite of its underwhelming gameplay and disorganized storytelling, there's a definite sense of joy to be had while exploring the vibrant planets of the cosmos alongside Trover and his R-rated sense of humor.

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Sep 12, 2019

Despite the lackluster single player and small other foibles I have with some of Heave Ho's design choices, you're still getting a ton of great bang for your buck here, especially at the $10 asking price.

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Jul 22, 2019

As the game's iconic merchant might say, buy at your own discretion, especially when there are "a lot of good things on sale" elsewhere on the Nintendo eShop.

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8.4 / 10.0 - Hand of Fate 2
Mar 29, 2019

Despite my issues with its combat and optimization, Hand of Fate 2 provides a wonderful experience for those seeking an interesting deck-building game to add to their Switch library. There's a good bit of bang for your buck here, and with additional levels available as paid DLC, I could imagine players getting lost in Hand of Fate 2's tabletop-inspired world for countless playthroughs. Just be sure to bring an open mind and plenty of patience.

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7.9 / 10.0 - Forgotton Anne
Jan 23, 2019

Despite its title, Forgotton Anne is far from forgettable. Its story is deep, its characters are nuanced, and its journey is emotional and powerful. Unfortunately, its stiff platforming and uninspired puzzles hold it back from being a must-play. For fans of adventure games, Forgotton Anne is a surprising gem that'll provide plenty of memorable moments over the course of its 7- to 8-hour run. For those looking for a more cohesive melding of story and gameplay, however, there are simply better options available.

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Nov 12, 2018

LEGO DC Super-Villains offers a lot of great things to like, despite my small quibbles. The title makes up for redundant core gameplay with its sheer variety of playable characters, robust character creation suite, and abundance of side content to complete. Meanwhile, its relatively by-the-books story is bolstered by phenomenal voice acting and classic LEGO charm. It may not be the mature, gritty super-villains game that many would like, but LEGO DC Super-Villains is still worth your time and money.

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8.8 / 10.0 - The Gardens Between
Oct 26, 2018

As an experience, The Gardens Between is a journey that's well worth embarking on. Its puzzles are gratifying, and its world is gorgeous and filled with personality. Its price may be too step for those looking for a meatier experience, and veteran fans of the genre might wish for tougher puzzles, but those hankering for a small game with a big heart will find plenty to love in The Gardens Between.

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Oct 16, 2018

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is a grand old time. Just don't expect anything too out of the ordinary.

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The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is an easy recommendation for Life is Strange fans as well as for those who have never touched the series before. Clocking in at 90 minutes, the episode can easily be completed in a single sitting; the episode's characters, on the other hand, will stay with you long after you put down the controller. If you have a free afternoon and some space on your hard drive, you have no excuse: Give Captain Spirit a whirl. It's free.

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Despite its poorly told story, repetitive material grind, and wonky scoring system, Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack is a solid investment for fans of the 2D platformer genre. Gunvolt may not be Mega Man, but the series offers up much of the same charm and challenge that made Capcom's iconic franchise such a big hit. The pair of games doesn't quite hit the same highs as many of the Blue Bomber's greatest adventures, but Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack earns serious points for trying something new. Despite the wealth of platformers that have come to the Switch in recent weeks, Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack makes a compelling case for being an addition to your growing library.

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Jul 31, 2018

In spite of its faults, Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a fantastic follow-up to an already great game. It improves upon the formula of the original title while offering a fascinating look into two of the series' most captivating characters. Beautiful, charming, and devastating, Before the Storm is a must-play for fans of the series and a phenomenal way to tide players over until the release of Life is Strange 2.

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Jul 11, 2018

Despite some minor performance issues and the occasional on-the-nose writing, Layers of Fear: Legacy is a fantastic horror experience for Switch owners. You get two great stories, both accessible right from the menu screen — I highly recommend you play the main story before Inheritance, though — that offer gripping tales and shocking scares. Better yet, both are playable in portable mode, ensuring that the courageous and unafraid can get their fill of terror before bed. It may not be P.T. in name, but for those seeking that same level of atmosphere and hallway-twisting tension, Legacy fits the bill.

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7.7 / 10.0 - The Alliance Alive
May 4, 2018

The Alliance Alive is a good game that's held back by some unfortunate missteps. Its fantastic premise and strong narrative provide a storyline that feels surprisingly fresh compared to other JRPGs, while its combat provides some welcome depth to its turn-based gameplay. The title often feels too easy, even by JRPG standards, and several features could have been better fleshed out, but the overall product is a stark improvement over studio Cattle Call's previous effort. With the 3DS on its way out to pasture, those with a hankering for an old-school JRPG with some new ideas should find something to like with The Alliance Alive.

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Mar 12, 2018

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is a game that's bursting at the seams with interesting ideas. Its story is gripping thanks to a diverse cast of nuanced characters, while its time-traveling structure and grid-based combat provide a challenging mix of planning and puzzle-solving for those familiar with RPGs. At the same time, however, its frustrating backtracking and slow-as-molasses pacing drag the experience to a disappointing halt at times. Despite its issues, Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is a strong addition to the 3DS and a fitting swan song for a handheld that's beginning its descent into the annals of gaming history.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Teslagrad
Feb 9, 2018

Teslagrad is a fun little adventure that works well on the Nintendo Switch. Its forgettable story is easily forgiven since smart puzzles, a well-designed map, and carefully hidden collectibles extend the life of the game. Frustrating bosses and the occasional poorly designed level bring down the experience, but not enough to quell Teslagrad's electromagnetic current. Fans of Metroidvanias looking to work their brain and reflexes should enjoy what Teslagrad has to offer.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Chess Ultra
Jan 3, 2018

Chess Ultra is a great chess game and a welcome addition to the Switch's digital library of titles. Its in-depth tutorial offers a useful starting point for those new to the sport, while challenges, AI difficulties, and customizable matches ensure that established players have the tools needed to improve their game in a variety of formats. While the lack of a real-time filter for matchmaking is a bummer, Chess Ultra more than justifies its budget price tag of $12.50. Whether you are a grandmaster or a complete novice, Chess Ultra is a worthy entry into the world of virtual chess.

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Dec 6, 2017

Had it run better, Rime would've been an easy recommendation. Its story offers a tantalizing look into a beautifully realized and poetically orchestrated world of magic, love and loss. Its gameplay, while simple, offers satisfying puzzles that guide the action in meaningful ways. However, severe frame rate drops and unbearable resolution compromises hold back the final product from the greatness it deserves.

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8.5 / 10.0 - NeuroVoider
Nov 20, 2017

Neurovoider is an exciting addition to the Switch library of eShop titles. Just under $14 will buy a game with surprising levels of depth and player choice. Even those apprehensive at the thought of playing a roguelike, either due to its difficulty or its unpredictability, should find plenty to like with Neurovoider. At the very least, it provides several hours of entertaining play, either solo or with friends. At best, it might prove to be your next gaming addiction.

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One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition provides an entertaining but flawed take on the One Piece franchise. Its story and gameplay show signs of promise, but repetitive and recycled missions, levels, and enemies drag down the game, especially during its later hours.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Shadows of Adam
Oct 9, 2017

While it might not display the same creativity of top-of-the-line JRPGs like Final Fantasy or Persona, Shadows of Adam executes its ideas well, and more importantly, is simply fun to play.

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